Chapter 4

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"Where were you just now? " Mr Wilson finally found his young companion as he's just come out from a food stall buying bread and meat steak. " Bumped into someone. " Damian answered without any second thought as he buy a small crate of fruits and bread for replenishing his food supplies along with his dinner. "Found anything fancy? " Mr Wilson smiled as he eyed on a group of girls chitchat. The girls smiled and waved at them, Mr Wilson wave then wink his eyes towards them but Damian remain focus on his path. "Well,  not interested. " said Damian as he eat fresh tomato baguette which he bought earlier.
"So,  how long we gonna observe this Pavillion? " Damian glanced at Mr Wilson.
"I don't know, maybe a month? Besides,  I have some intel telling me the Queen is roaming in this market. " said Mr Wilson with his index finger pointed the ground.
"Then this queen must be pretty good in camouflague. " said Damian as he eyes observing the people.
"You need to be careful.  This is an X01 demon. The highest rank of all, The king. " said Mr Wilson. "I know. " Damian acknowledged as he continue eating his bread. "Let us go to Palmer shop. Who know we might found her there. " said Damian as he crumbled the paper that used for his bread packaging and thrown into a trash bin nearby. "Let's. " as Mr Wilson follow the young man's trail.

The doorbell ring as both of them open the door.  "Welcome!! " a voice come from the back room of the counter. Damian and Mr. Wilson stood in front of the counter with their eyes wander around the shop, studying every invention this Palmer made.  The design seems out of this era or perhaps what Damian would call Futuristic like.
"Sorry for kept you waiting. " Said Sir Raymond as he's now in front of the counter with his bizzare black lens goggle,  leather gloves and several black smudge on his pale yet suave look. Damian with his eye brows furrowed curious about Sir Raymond were working on. "How may i help you, gentlemen?" as Sir Raymond removed his gloves, his big goggles and wipe his hand and his face with clean hand towel.
"Have you seen any weird encounter either in your shop or in this market area? " Damian start to interview the shop owner who is also an inventor. "Well,  nothing peculiar,  really." said Sir Raymond as he tried to remember what or who he did encounter before. "I see." as Damian received his answer.
‎"Hey,  if I'm not mistaken,  You're Damian right? One of The legendary Dark knight son? " as Sir Raymond clasped his hand. " Don't tell me, Richard telling you about me? " Damian sighed with his brother being a natural chitchatter. " Haha, yeah,  it's been a while we haven't met each other, he even shows your baby picture on his communicator."  Sir Raymond let out his hearty laugh. Damian swear by his sword, he'll take care of his eldest brother after he finish this mission. This is such an embarrassment. "By the way, did your brother ordered something? " Sir Raymond asked as he take out his clipboard fill with receipt and invoices. "Well,  no but I'm quite interested with this armor. " as Damian walked to a glass display showing an exo skeleton armor surround with sophiscated system perhaps it could be the most advanced suit compare to his brothers.
‎"Ah,  this one. I've just received some rare item from a lovely person. I present you the newest invention by Palmer,  P2551 , the Valerian Amor,  or should i say, VALOR. " as Sir Raymond proudly present his product. " It's made of titanium carbon for exo-skeleton, pure nitrogen for coolant, tungsten chromium coat and lastly,  neutron star. The most rare and heaviest but has the powerful and friendly energy which power the suit up makes this one different from the others. " Raymond added the details about his latest suit. "Sounds promising." Damian comment, feeling astonished.
‎"By the way,  Sir Raymond,  how much is the suit cost,  maybe I... " Damian wanted to buy it but... "Are you kidding me? This  suit is not for sale. " Sir Raymond snapped. "I see. " Damian knew it that the suit mean alot for Sir Raymond as he see his work,  very neat and exquisite. "But,  I can give it to you as the token of friendship between Wayne and Palmer. I mean come on,  your family has been dealing weaponry and armor with ours for five generation." Sir Raymond smiled and pat on Damian's shoulder. Damian was a bit surprised by his sudden decision.
‎ " But thats your... "
‎"It is my lifetime work but I would like you,  as a paladin to carry it, the pride of our alliance as a Demon hunter hopefully it will exhume our land from these terror. " Raymond speak with sparks in his eyes and patriotic spirit. Damian chuckled then pat on sir Raymond's back. "Don't worry, sir Raymond. Will do. " Damian vowed with all his heart, to vanquished those evil from this land. " Just call me Raymond,  Damian." Raymond showing his full set of white teeth.  Truly a charming noble spirit he is.
      ‎"Ehem. Yeah.  And uh do you have new potion or some of your invention that could help us to detect demons that disguise as people? " Mr Wilson break his silence as he seen the brotherhood bond between the Wayne and The Palmer. "Hmmm,  about that,  I've been do doing some research about them and I come up  a solution saying that demon can be extremely cold when they're in hot area to counter temperature of their body.  I think thats why the demon be able to withstand hot place where they come from. I think they are like reptile." Raymond with hand on his chin gesturing the thinker.
      ‎ "And I assume that they are pretty fast healing maybe due to resonance bond between them." Raymond added more about the info which he got from his investigation. "Which is why we need to kill their Queen. All of them link to their leader because the Queen has faster rate healing and if the Queen destroy, so as all the demon. " said Mr.  Wilson. "I'm not sure about that but don't worry this suit will definitely help you guys. " said Raymond as he goes to the VALOR suit.  He put his hand on the chest plate and the suit shrink into a thin round casket with the size of the his fist.
      ‎Both Damian and Mr Wilson speechless as they seen the process. " I hope this comes in handy. And to activate the armor,  all you need is to push this V logo and put it on your chest. " Raymond explained as he gives the casket to Damian. The young lad nodded ,take the thin device and immediately put in his pocket. "Everything that you need to fight the demons has been input in that suit, all you need is use it, that's all. " Raymond said as he escort both of the gentlemen out of his shop. "Nice to meet you by the way, Damian and you too,  Mr.... " as Raymond handshake with Damian and about to do to Mr.  Wilson. " Call me Wilson." the veteran soldier grab the inventor's hand. "Yeah,  Mr. Wilson. " Raymond smiled and give a solid one two shake. "Thank you for visiting my shop. " Raymond waves at them as they went into the crowd.
      ‎"He's grown up already. Really gonna miss that lad. " his lips curled up as he remembered the time where he and the paladin of dark knight were children,  Damian the youngest always try to prove himself worthy by beating his older brother in wrestling. The youngest also shows compassion as he take care the horses,  cows as well as domestic pets which he always come home with it whenever he went on demon hunting with his older brother,  Richard.
      ‎"Ah,  memories... " said Raymond as he close the main door of his shop.

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