Chapter 8

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The demons rise just like mushroom after the rain. Both John and Rip were blasting them with guns and magic and hell, they just keep coming.

" What bloody hell did Wilson do to make them keep coming?! " as John summoning his fire magic.

"Perhaps selling his soul?!" Rip shouted as he shoot his guns toward the demons third eye which is the bishop class weakness.

"Well that explain alot! "

"Wait, wait. I thought you sold your soul, you should know about this?"

"I did but with back up plan."

"You trick them?"

"I'm not the type who's into bloody long commitment." John just shugged it out.

" That's why you always on the run. " Rip scoffed.

"Rip! Fall back!! " Sara's voice scream in their intercom.

"Sara, the bloody demon just keep coming, ws need back up! " Rip huffed as he shoot the gun hopefully there's still more power left.

Then a fire blaze start to torched the class Pawn demon who tried to assault head on towards the time traveller and supernatural con man.

Then the wind start to blow the fire spread towards the enemy base. "What is this?! " Mr. Wilson shouted from the red symbol rune surrounded him.

"You have been surrounded, Wilson!" Ray, Rory and Damian along with the Tomorrow team join Rip and John's side.

"Hahahah...You think with this team can defeat me?! " Wilson laughed. He then, pour his blood on the rune beneath his feet and slam both of his hand on it.

The ground start to rumble and something start to emerge from the ground.

"Oh, damn. This is not good! " Nate try to balance himself.

"O boy... " Ray started to worry.

Now they are facing a new foreign class of demon, probably stronger than the bishop class.

It has crown of horn, bulkier armor and gargantuan size.

"Uh... Guys, this is the rare one. It's the Queen!! Alhough it look like not a queen... " Raymond adjusting his lense mask.

Damian felt helpless as his suit were destroyed by Mr. Wilson before he's been interrogate by that bastard in this very place. Somehow, Raymond manage to bought a portable neutron blade that has lazer like properties for its blade along with obsure glass for him to analyse the creature. "There must be a weakness... " Damian muttered as his eyes roaming for the blindspot that could serve as their achilles' heel.

Then he spot something about their third eyes which is at the middle of their crown. " Palmer, Rory! Cover me! " quickly he dashed towards the hellish creature.

The queen class demon swinging it's heavy arms violently and Damian barely got hit as he jumped on its armor then running towards its head. Raymons and Mike shoot their arsenal as they try to distract its attention while John, Rip, Nate and others were handling the smaller army of demons.

Damian quickly stab towards its breasts as he leaped from his shoulder as demon shook both of his hands. Using all his might, he swinging himself from one point to another as he repeatedly create his path by stabbing each time he advance until he reached its crown.

The giant try to ward him off like warding off the mosquito, he use his sword thren stab at the third eye which in result, the giant shriek with its unearthed sound and start to shiver violently.
The young lad loose his balance and fall but quickly caught by Raymond with his booster pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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