Chapter 3

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It took them 2 days to reach the town by horse but Mr. Wilson is grateful as soon as they encounter some hot spot where the demon spawned within their radius, Damian quickly handle them like hurricane. "TT,  as easy as slicing a cake. " as Damian defeat the last demon as big as an elephant.
  Mr Wilson let out Orb of Bloodhound where the orb will change color if there's any hot spot within their area.  And it seems the orb stays in obsidian black therefore their shealthed up the sword and weapons. Damian spotted something thus using his mask functioning as binocular.
  ‎"I can see town in the next 5 miles. I believe that's Pavillion of Phoenix. I estimate we could reach there before the dusk. " said Damian as he observed the shape of the building and shops. "Let us keep going. Perhaps,  we could fill up our empty stomach as soon as we landed there. " Mr.  Wilson recommendation as he start to feel a bit tired after battling with the creature from underworld. Damian noded as agreement.
  ‎Their trail went from  muddy road to stone pavement as they getting nearer to their  destination, Pavillion of Phoenix,  the center of traders. As soon as they reached the gateway,  both of them climbed down to the ground and walk their horse toward the horse rail where there's food and water supplies for the them as its tied there.
  ‎Damian knows that Goliath has different diet so he put his homade food in Goliath's food tray for the stallion, pat the it's head before joining Mr.  Wilson  to the food bazaar. As they walked through it, they come across a pawn shop known as Palmer's pawn shop. Damian stood there, observing the shop.  "What's the matter?" Mr.  Wilson saw Damian staring at the shop.
  ‎  "This is Sir Raymond of the Palmer shop.  The one who create rare item. Perhaps, after we satisfy our hunger maybe we could take a look at his shop. " said Damian as he resume his pace toward the food bazaar. "I heard his armor workmanship are impressive. " said Mr Wilson followed the young man. "It is.  My brothers used to order them from this guy." Damian looked around, surveying the food to be eat.
  ‎Richard whose in charge with the East titan gate now is engaging with a herd of demon along with his team, Karen,  Kori, Wally, and Garfield. "Hey Richard!  Any infos about this type of demon? " as Wally using his superspeed avoiding the demon's attack. Richard violently swing his impulse baton toward the demon that surrounding him then using his Mask unleashed Amethyst Eye, a scanner to scan the demon type through their feature.
  ‎Demon type: C4
  ‎Category: Rook
  ‎Specialty: Heavy duty, Charged demon
‎Weakness: Elbows, Knees, ++Neck
"It's a C4 Demon,  Rook! You know what to do,  Wally! " said Richard as he bantered the neck and elbows of the opponent that leaves them immobilized. "Gotcha! " Wally, thumbs up,  picking up his speed and run toward a group of Demon Rook. As his armor charging with electric impulse,  he quickly applied toward the joint that lead the fallen of his enemy.
Karen using her electric blade slashed through the exposed weakness of the demon as Kori and Garfield gives deadly blow to the demons lead out the exposed of their joint from their thick hard shell. "Hyahh!! " Kori shouted as she punch the demon in the neck leading them to petrified then fall.
‎"Last one! " said Garfield as he slashed one demon remain with his long nail as he take form of a Huge Werewolf. The hot spot in the area vanished. "Phew,  that's the hard one. " said Wally. "Well, I've meet the Knight type demon. " said Garfield as he return to his human form.
‎"Good thing we're be able to handle it. Last time,  Jason and the Blight team fought an army Bishop type demons and that demons almost infiltrate the wall. " said Kori as she scanned the place. "We need more recruit for us to guard each gate. The number of demon increased from time to time. " said Richard as he looking at the statistic of demon appeared.
‎      "Oh, gosh. I hope we could survive fighting them. " said Wally as he adjusting his armor. "Hey, as long as we're on the team,  we have each others back! " Garfield tries to enlighten the mood as he pat Wally's back. "I got your back too,  buddy. " Wally smiled at pat Garfield's too in return.
‎It's been a week, Rachel has landed on human world and she learned quite a lot. As before, she encounter many people injured by demon attack,some of them died,  some of them loss their family,  children which made her felt guilty about it.
‎She once stumble upon a young girl who is almost died because of blood loss, she hurried transfer the pain, the injury  to herself leading the empathy healing for the girl.  The young girl live but Rachel almost died, it takes one day for her healed the injury she got from the young girl and decided to set her limit to avoid things like that.
‎Rachel now opening 'Healing +' shop offering empathy healing,  mood soother,  Catching Nightmare to keep the Phoenix people to live in peace.
‎  She felt satisfied as she be able to help the people although she also  a part of the demon that cause havoc, not to mention that she's their ruler, a responsible she try to run away. After she give an old woman a lavender oitment for nightmare relief,  she goes out from her shop for fresh air, perhaps some food hunting as she begin to feel hungry, without any warning, she bump into a person.
‎"Aah! " she tripled but that person catch her before she fall to the ground. As she open her unearthen amethyst violet eyes, her eyes met with a pair of green hazel staring, as if it penetrating to her very core.
‎"Are you okay?" his deep soothing voice asking her.  "Uh.... I'm okay. " she trying to look away from the sharp stare of the person who catches her. He quickly help her to stand. "Better watch out where you're going, Miss. " he noded then walked away. 
‎Rachel almost choked up as she seen that guy as he start to blend in the crowd. He's quite handsome as soon as Rachel realise the his clothes he's wearing. "Shit,  that's the demon hunter. " she gulped and try to calm her nerve.
‎   A handsome demon hunter, but usually she encounter them wearing their mask to enclose their identity from the demon to recognise them . She concluded that this one without it, perhaps he's off duty. "He's a Paladin rank. " as Rachel confirmed from the clothes pattern which she saw the demon hunter  earlier. She can't help but hoping to meet that man again.

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