Repeating the same thoughts again and again

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A/N: Hello! Weird coincidence... I can't wait for Thursday and the new music! I mixed up some facts here. 



Holding on to a daily schedule as a college student was the least favorite thing for Mike. He loved art. But his daily life was so boring otherwise. But now his new project was annoying. He couldn't get anything on paper and after staring the blank page again for another hour he decided to give up. For now.

Walking downstairs he noticed the house was really quiet. TV was on, but otherwise there was nothing. No talking, no sounds of cooking. He was weirded out by that and walked then to the living room. Brad was sitting on the couch, eating potato chips and watching TV.

"Oh hi! I thought you were at school today", the other looked surprise.

Mike shook his head and sat down next to the other. "Nope. Not today. But I have new project and I have no ideas."

"That's a shame. Anything I can help with?", Brad asked tossing the empty foil package aside.

"Don't think so. It's supposed to be stream of consciousness sort of thing so I have to figure it out myself", the half Asian said.

"So you have to paint stream of consciousness?", the other frowned shifting on the couch.

Mike shook his head again. "Well it doesn't have to be a painting or a drawing. It could be pretty much anything that could be considered as art."

"I see... Well music could so then too? I mean, it's art, right", Brad was getting excited. He didn't know about traditional art. But music he knew.

"Sure. But I don't... I don't know how I could do it. Don't think only guitar would be appropriate. And I think it has to be in form that they can play it again though", the other tilted his head thinking.

"I saw an used MPC sold in the thrift shop I visited last week. It could still be there. That could be option, right?", the other suggested. He had always wanted one himself.

"Oh. Don't know could I afford it though", Mike shrugged. He had thought buying one but they were expensive.

"It was rather cheap. But I was thinking about going there anyway today so if you want to join I don't mind", Brad said smiling.

Mike nodded. "Maybe I could check it out. If I don't have enough money in my savings then... I'll figure something else out. I have anyway wanted one for a long time."

"Me too. So.. I need to talk with Rob when he comes... I think he should be here already. We can take Chester's car then", the other got up.

"That's fine. Chester's car though? I didn't know he had a car. And why he isn't using it himself?", the half Asian frowned.

Brad laughed. "Yeah well... That's how he is. We can use it if he doesn't need it and gas it up after. He said he is visiting some friend close by after his work. And by friend he probably means a fuckbuddy. Anyhow he didn't need the car so it's waiting on the driveway."

Same time the door opened and the drummer guy stepped in. He glanced at them and slammed then the door shut. Grunting and rolling his eyes he walked quickly past them to the stairs.

"Rob!", Brad yelled throwing his hands in air. "What the fuck... Sorry, I need to talk with him. It doesn't take long, especially when he is sulking."

Mike nodded and watched Brad walk after the other. He leaned against the cushions and closed his eyes just to relax his nerves.

Upstairs Brad closed the door behind him. "What the fuck again man? Why are you being... uhm I don't even know. Like, what happened? You weren't so silent and mopey before."

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