I find the answers aren't so clear

253 13 20

A/N: Hi! How are you guys? Sorry this again got rather long, lol. Errrrm, warning for the smut which isn't surprise at all, lmao. Ready for the roller coaster? 



Once again Brad had woken up earlier, feeling the warmth of Rob's chest now against his back. No need to leave yet, no rush. The rays of sun traveled through the blinds, painting crooked stripes on the wall and he knew he had a while until the alarm clock would go off. So instead he just snuggled closer, and let out a long content moan.

"Brad", Rob said waking up. "Stop grinding against me."

"Oops. Sorry. I didn't realize... ", Brad answered but continued then to rub his ass against Rob.

"Yeah, but now you do", the other rolled his eyes knowing exactly what was happening.

"Mhm, might be...", Brad yawned and stretched exaggeratedly.

"Might be? I think you do", Rob grabbed his other arm and twisted it behind his back, trying to be careful with the raw skin on the back that must have seen really sore.

"Fuck", Brad mumbled biting down his lip. Just what he wanted, but it was always a surprise how good it felt. The familiar pinch on his stomach and blood rushing straight to his cock.

Rob kissed along his neck, taking his time with it, enjoying the tiny whimpers Brad let out. Brad closed his eyes and leaned against the other, craning his neck to expose more of the skin as shivers ran down his back.

"I think you need to do something for that", Rob raised his eyebrow.

Brad frowned the confusion spinning in his fuzzy mind. "Do? Huh?"

"Are you being annoying again or just lost?" Rob groaned and grabbed Brad's hand to guide it.

"Oh. Oh! Wait what?" Brad gasped when his own fingers were being wrapped around his cock.

"Have you forgotten how to do it? Cause I'm not going to do it for you, but I sure as hell will watch", Rob murmured releasing his grip and relying that Brad understood what to do next.

Brad bit his lip and chuckled inwardly at his unsureness. Suddenly it was weird, but then again Rob knew him better than anyone and he shouldn't feel that way. Maybe it was the confession the day before, or maybe he was still just half asleep. But then the grip on his wrist got tighter and there was another hand on his throat, he pushed that thought aside.

Rob continued with his mouth, sucking the soft skin first before licking the trails. Pausing he let the guitarist tilt his head back a silent moan erupting from his mouth. He smiled, running his thumb over the jawline his hot breath making Brad squirm. Brad stroked his member keeping his eyes closed, enjoying the rigid body against him and Rob's hard on pressing to his lower back. He was inflamed, the pleasure burning through his nerves.

"Look at you. God, you're practically melting", Rob growled low to his ear as the other arched his back and twisted his arm just to feel the grip tighten.

He stared at the thumb that smeared the pre-cum and got back then with the rest of the fingers to pump the length, and licked his lips at the sight. Brad felt amazing, just like that, pressing against him, lost in his pleasure. The other moaned when Rob nibbled his earlobe.

"Too loud Brad", Rob rolled his eyes and trailed his hand in front of Brad's mouth.

Brad got the hint and sucked two fingers in his mouth causing the drummer to groan. Ghosting his mouth over Brad's neck Rob watched the lips hungrily suck his fingers making them glisten in the morning sun. Brad was so tense, every muscle in his body screaming, eager and waiting. The other kissed his neck enjoying the moans it elicited against his fingers.

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