Thoughts were spinning in my head

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A/N: Ugh, the writer's block has been bad. I apologize again for taking this long to update. I am trying but just get stuck always. But, the saddest thing is that this is soon ending. I can't say whether it's one or two chapters after this, but something like that. My longest work ever, my smuttiest work ever. My lightest work ever. Yeah. New endings that lead to new beginnings.


"How do you... What do you do on a date?" Mike raked his hair nervously.

Dave snorted at him. He could see Mike's state of mind and to him it was adorable. The guy really did care about Chester and worried about how he would take the date.

"Don't laugh at me! I told I have never really dated so I don't know", the other rolled his eyes smiling.

"I know I know. I just think it's cute. And I am sure he finds it cute too, even though you are anxious and unsure", Dave winked his eye. They all knew how Chester was like. Even though Mike was the one that finally managed to lower the wall around him Chester's behaviour spoke loudly about how he thought about things.

"So... Any advice then?" Mike grimaced.

"Just be you. It has been a while since I went for a date but then it was just talking over dinner. You know, just totally casual. She told me what her favourite movie was. I hated her choice but asked why she liked the movie and she told me that it reminded her of her sister and how they used to watch it on rainy days when they were kids. That lead to me talking about my family. Such stuff", Dave told.

"Right..." Mike said, "So uhm..."

"Oh my god. You're really stupid occasionally you know that? Get some picnic stuff from the shop. Something easy, something you won't mess up. Nothing too fancy, nothing too expensive. Don't think about it too much. You know he eats pretty much anything and the eating isn't even the point. Pick up some drinks too, but remember that you are driving. And you need a blanket. Way comfier than to sit on the grass and think do you get stains or not", Dave continued now glancing at Mike's light grey sweatpants.

"That sounds doable", the other nodded.

"Good. Then you need two more things", Dave said and Mike tilted his head questioning.

"You two. And leave the thinking too much here. Really. He is the one here that needs the date, right? Not you. So make him feel safe. It's the little things that matter. If he wants to talk, let him. If he doesn't and seems to be closing in, don't push. Change the subject. As you said it will take time for him to get to trust you again, but you can help it little by little."

"Okay", Mike nodded again. "What if... I mess up?"

"Paper towels Mike."

"No I meant like if I do something that makes him feel weird", Mike snorted at Dave's answer.

"Oh. Well, then it happens. You are trying your best and just by avoiding certain subjects won't take you two too far. But don't pry. He will open up when he is ready. If he wants to. Do you even need to know everything? Isn't the most important thing that you two are having fun together? And alone, without any distractions", Dave said and stood up.

"Yeah, that was my idea. I don't... God, I feel stupid when I say he needs something. I don't know him. I really don't. But I think, I feel he could use some time away from all the hassle. All he really does is work and party. Or not always a party but you know, seeing friends."

"And the guys. You forgot that", Dave raised his eyebrow. He knew Mike certainly didn't forget it. He just had to be the one to remind him that Chester wasn't the easiest one to get settled down.

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