I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel

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A/N: Hello! Happy Friday all. Here another chapter. I managed to add dirty talk, smut and fluff in same chapter, oops. Let that he the warning too then, lol.

Enjoy! ;)


Brad was practically floating. Being with Rob like that was making him happy. Just in the perfect way possible. Only thing that was bugging him was that they had to keep it as secret. For sure it was also one part of their game, but it had become exhausting. Mostly cause of Chester and his noisy nature. Chester had gave him some strange looks but he didn't know what it mean. Nor wanted to ask.

But then, he always pushed the thought aside, even just for few seconds. Waking up snuggled up to Rob and making him groan in frustration after some neck kissing was the best way to start a day. Even though the next thing that came in his mind was the fact that they still didn't have the lock in the door.

So once again he was waiting for them to be alone. The memory of the morning still bright in his mind. Chewing his cuticles and shooting sideway glances at the drummer, while Joe continued to watch the television in the same room, he started to get bored and frustrated. After groaning inwardly he decided that it would be fun to tease Rob. Which could have been also bad idea, but he couldn't now back down when he had made the decision. Slowly he leaned towards the drummer, and as he was sure Joe paid no attention to them, he started to talk, keeping his voice as down as possible.

"So. You know, I had a dream", he started. Which was absolutely true. He had seen the dream that was flooding back in his mind.

"Mmm, people see dreams."

"Yeah, so I have heard. But in this dream, we were here. On this couch. Alone", Brad continued.

Rob frowned and Brad was greatly amused that the other seemed lost. Cause this would be the perfect point to escape, before it would be too late.

"Which was good. Since you were fucking me", he said, barely audibly.

Biting down to his lip he chased away the smirk that tried to spread on his face when Rob gasped.

"Or to be exact I was riding you, but same thing really. You want to hear more?"

"Brad. Stop it", Rob growled between his gritted teeth having hard time to keep his voice low enough.

Joe was still just watching the television, and the loud noises would easily bury their voices under. But the outcome of the talk wasn't that easily hidden, as Rob already felt the blood traveling to his cock, making it twitch as Brad let out a tiny chuckle. Fucking bastard, he thought.

"Nah. I think I will anyway", the other nodded, "Now, where was I... Oh yes, riding you. You were so fucking hard.... Squeezing my waist with your hands and throwing you head back."

"Seriously. Stop it. Now", the other said again his warning now stricter.

"Mhm. Maybe not", Brad shifted so Joe wasn't able to see his face if he would happen to glance at them and licked his lips. "I couldn't stop moaning and you... You were talking dirty to me. Commanding me go faster and harder. And then you grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to kiss me. You know, the way you do that just perfectly. Licking and nibbling until I was squirming and so ready..."

Rob looked terrified. He was sure Joe heard none of what Brad said, but the whole situation was making him nervous. And yes, so fucking hard. And Brad knew it perfectly well. He grumbled an objection when Brad slipped a finger in his mouth. Just perfectly casually, sucking it slowly but keeping his eyes locked on Rob's.

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