Is so much simpler than change

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A/N: Hello again all lovelies. Warning for the dubcon smut!!! Started so sweetly and then ooooopsies. We have a mess now, lol. 'In My Remains' is my next to write >

Enjoy, or something like that.


"Why the fuck I am laying on top of peas in your bed?", Chester woke Mike next day.

Mike rubbed his eyes and turned to see the other man that looked same time amused and confused. "You don't remember what happened?"

"Well... I remember that I walked here, but... no. I didn't do anything stupid, didn't I?", Chester looked around him pushing the bag of melted peas to the floor.

"Don't know what you mean with stupid... But you told you were at the bar and you were called faggot and then kicked", the half Asian rolled his eyes.

Let's just blame the alcohol, he thought.

"Oh! Yes now I remember that! Hate that fucking word! I was bullied back in the school days and that was the most used word. Dammit... But that didn't explain the peas", Chester frowned and yawned then.

"Didn't find ice. When you crashed on top of me and told me all that, I went to get some ice. I thought peas were fine enough. Your side looks horrible. Sure you don't have any ribs broken?", Mike said suddenly aware how close the other was. Still shirtless.

Chester sat up and groaned then. "I see that now. No, I don't think anything is broken."

He stood up slowly stretching and made Mike cringe. How the hell is he able to do that when..., the half Asian thought.

"Nah, I'm fine. Nothing broken. It sure is ugly", Chester chuckled at the bruise and searched then his pockets. "Do you mind if I smoke? Window open of course"

Mike shook his head staring at the creature standing in front of him. There was something captivating in Chester's presence and he couldn't figure out what. The half Asian watched the other open the window, move his sketch pad gently aside and climb to sit on the table, and cross his legs. Chester lit a cigarette glancing out from the window and turned then to face Mike, who then turned his gaze away from him, being embarrassed that he was caught staring.

"That's new. What is it?", Chester inhaled the smoke and tilted his head towards the MPC on the edge of the table.

"Yeah, we... We went to a thrift shop yesterday with Brad. Obviously you don't know since you came so late but we used your car. Brad said it's fine. It's... well it's a device you can make music with. Basically, told in a way that...", he started but then didn't know how to continue.

"Told in a way that a stupid person understands?", the other raised his brow and chuckled then the lip ring shining in the ray of sun. Mike was about to object but Chester shook his head, "I'm just teasing you, you know? And yes, my car. If it is in the yard and I'm not home then it is pretty sure I won't need it that day. So yeah, feel free to use it."

Mike watched him in awe. He thought had never seen that kind of a person. Chester was so relaxed and casual but still radiating through the whole room. Perfectly with no effort he charmed and Mike couldn't do anything but to stare and make sure he wouldn't do it mouth open.

The other shook his head smiling and blew some smoke out from the open window the light now shining on his face. "What are your plans today?"

The half Asian glanced at the clock. It was still super early. "I have to go to school today."

"Oh. Such a shame... Well, let's hang out some other day", Chester smiled flipping the bud from the window before closing it.

Mike watched him again, now jump down from the table and go to his closet. "Sure", he answered feeling his words almost get stuck on his throat.

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