Losing my pride will save it in many days

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A/N: Hi all! Uhm. Should I warn that there is no smut? xD And sorry about the... the thing there. Blame it on Brad.



"I really didn't know you play guitar so well", Chester shook his head smiling and turned a page on his notebook.

"And I didn't know you sing so well", Mike answered shifting a little on the mattress.

Chester continued to surprise him and most of the surprises he really liked. The thing that still bothered him was how suddenly Chester's mood could change. And it wasn't a complete change. More like something inside Chester was trying to take over but he was fighting, but also getting confused cause of it. And that lead to him shutting down. It hurt him that Chester was so lost but he also knew he couldn't really do anything else than to be there for him. At least the other seemed to be trusting him.

Now the black-haired man was sitting next to him, leaning to his side. Occasionally his head rolled on his shoulder on its own accord as Chester focused to the words. And occasionally the tip of the pen disappeared between his lips and a deep frown appeared on his face. Mike thought he could watch that for hours. Chester was so mesmerizing just like that.

Pinching his bottom lip with his fingers he glanced at Chester who read the lyrics from the paper, following the words with his pen now. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Sure?" Chester turned his gaze from the paper and tilted his head.

"Uhm... This thing we have. It's nice right?" Mike said, confused that suddenly the words didn't come out as easily as he planned.

"Yeah..." Chester answered carefully. He didn't know what Mike was trying to say.

"So... I don't want to ruin it. Like... we live together. We are a lot together. Basically always when we both just are at home. So..." Mike shrugged. He really didn't want to seem too attached or clingy, even if he enjoyed the time together with Chester.

"So... you think... like we could spend more time with others too?" Chester asked not knowing did he read between the lines or just imagined it.

"Yeah, exactly. I don't want to keep you from not living. I know I have my studies to focus too so..." Mike nodded smiling.

"Oh. Okay", Chester nodded too and turned his gaze back to the notepad. That meant to him that Mike was getting bored and didn't want to spend as much time with him that he did. But it was fine for him. Usually, just he was the one who made that move. But the sting he felt in his heart was a new thing. He ignored it and got back to the lyrics that needed still some working on to his opinion. The half Asian stared at the other for a while and got back then to the playing.

After a while of trying to ignore the weird feeling and the aggravation that was trying to make itself seen Chester sighed and got up. "I need to get to work. But I'll see you later then." He knew he was early but he felt like he couldn't properly even breathe and wanted to clear his thoughts before the shift.

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