Day Two

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A roar of laughter left the audience as we watched the not one, but three dragon slayers struggle in the Chariot Race. Poor guys. I know how they feel. Natsu and Gajeel's faces were a new shade of blue. I even felt bad for Sting. His once smug face now covered in nausea. Though Natsu and Gajeel never gave in once, not even for a second. Those stubborn bastards, but hey that's why we love 'em.  The ensuing battle far ahead of them is beyond believable. The guy from Quattro Cerberus destroys the chariots with one stomp of his foot! I'd hate to go up against that guy. He zooms past every other competitor and takes first place. Not too far behind him are Raven Tail, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus. So only Natsu, Gajeel and Sting are left.

"AAAH," Natsu yells, "I'm not gonna lose like this!" His begins crawling across the cart. Gajeel is right on his toes. A series of shout, groans, and strange faces emerge from both the fire and iron dragon slayers as they creepily move along. While Sting seems to have barely taken a step.

"Whatever, I didn't need this point anyways,"Sting mumbles, "so I'll just let you have that measly point."

"Hey!" Gajeel turns back and shouts, "One point is nothing to scoff at kid, you remember that." He and Natsu continue crawling over the chariot. More groans come from the two moving slayers. Sting, on the other hand, just looks annoyed.

"I don'r get it," the blond dragon slayer emitts, "can you explain something to me?" Natsu and Gajeel let out a reassuring  growl in response. "Why did you even bother entering the tournament?" he continues, " Seriously. I mean you're nothing like the Fairy Tail I knew growing up." His harsh words send shivers down my spine. The nerve, but he wasn't done. "You're obsessed with how tough you are and what the rest of the world thinks of you." His voice echoes over the speakers. "What happened to the Fairy Tail of my childhood?" Sting broadcasted, "The guild that did whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted. It never cared what anybody else said or thought of them." I know the entire guild felt the truth in his speech.

"The reason we're here," the fire dragon slayer groans, "is for our friends!" His voice shouting by the last part. A wave of shock hit Sting's face.  "The ones," he continues, "who waited for us for all the years we were gone, who fought through the pain and the heartache!" His voice growing stronger with every word. "They were humiliated," Natsu grumbles, "But even so, they stayed strong! And they kept our guild together!" By this point the whole guild was in tears. The ones who left and the ones who were left behind. It didn't matter. His words hit our hearts. "We're doing this for all of them!" he shouted. His voice never shaken, regardless of how sick he was. "And we're gonna make sure that everyone here knows, " the slayer endures. "THAT FAIRY TAIL NEVER GAVE UP NOT FOR AN INSTANT!SO THERE"S NO WAY I'M GONNA GIVE UP NOW!" He screams so loud, I was afraid his vocal cords might burst.  There was no holding back now. Every member in the audience would be touched my Natsu's rebuttal. Even Sting gave the slightest hint of showing how Natsu had impacted his. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from Natsu.

Oh, Natsu," the guild called in unison. Waterfalls in their eyes. The blond dragon slayer seemed surprised by Natsu's answer. Ignoring him, Natsu began to inch his way forward. Gajeel, not wanting to be out done by the Salamander, engages back in the race as well. Finally releasing a scream of victory, the fire dragon slayer crosses the finish line, making 6th place, and Gajeel not far behind with 7th. The audience applauded them, seeming to turn the tides for the better. Sting, however, had disappeared.

~Time Skip~

"Let's move onto round two of our head-to-head battle," the announcer began. Oh great. After that pitiful display from Lamia Scale and Raven Tail's members, I am really looking forward to a real showdown. "First from Quattro Cerberus, it's the God of Wine," he advertises, "Bacchus!" Ok now this should be fun. He continues, "Fighting a member of Fairy Tail; Team A!" Oh shit.  

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