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It was another day at school,

Or should you say fucking hell.

Maybe you shouldn't bad mouth hell like that, school is much worse than hell.

You sat at your normal table, far away from everyone else.

The usual kids snickering at you from afar, whispering to each other.

You had gotten used to it now, although it was hard to handle some days.

There was always one boy in the crowd of snickering that would never really join

He sent over a soft smile every now and then

As if he was telling you to ignore it.

Maybe he was just trying to be nice out of pity, like all people do to victims.

Victims of bullying are never really 'helped'

They only get talked to out of pity and the people 'helping' them never really care

They only do it to make themselves feel better.

To make it feel as though they've done a good deed, which is honestly horrendous.

But maybe something was different about him.

For once when he smiled at you, you felt something.

Something you haven't felt in years.

Love? No, not love.

Excited? No, not that either.

Happiness? Joy? Maybe.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now