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You woke up to silence.

Walking downstairs, you noticed your mother on the couch drinking.

By the looks of it she had already taken loads of tablets that morning.

You snuck out as quietly as possible and made your way to the shops to buy some sanitary items with the money Lucas had given you for lunch on Wednesday.

Making your way back home, you looked at your phone just before walking inside. You had an hour to get ready and Lucas will be waiting for you at a cafe nearby.

You walked inside and heard silence. You were hoping she was asleep.

She was laying on the floor

It seemed odd to you.

You walked over to her and saw white stuff coming from her mouth.

You screamed and dropped everything.

She wasn't responding

She wasn't blinking

She wasn't breathing

You immediately dialled for ambulance and explained the situation.

You couldn't stop crying and shaking.

The ambulance arrived in about 10 minutes and took her away.

You went in the ambulance with her.

The sight of them trying to revive her looked like a sight that would be stuck in your mind forever.

A sight that would never leave your mind, no matter how hard you tried to make it.

Everything stopped and felt as if it was going in slow motion.

All you could hear was beeps and shouting.

Everything else was a blur and you couldn't focus.



Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now