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Weeks had gone on since you met him.

His name was Lucas by the way.

You had actually eaten a full lunch once

A full lunch!

He knew about your family life. You decided to tell him.

You really thought he would leave you after that

But he honestly felt closer.

He wanted to walk you home today, you tried to decline but he wouldn't let you.

There was no way he was going to take no for an answer.

You reached home, you were excited to introduce Lucas to your mother

You thought that she might like him.

She might approve of him.

Instead she yelled

At both of you's.

She made Lucas leave, but he looked like he didn't want to leave you there with her.

You didn't want him to either.

But he did.

He had to, you understood.

He left and you were hit.

More like beaten.

You had bruises, even some cuts. You didn't know how they got there.

But you were in your room now.

Your face wet with tears. Your mother was still yelling at you from downstairs.

She told you to toughen up and stop crying like a little bitch.

Maybe that's all you were.

A useless little bitch.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now