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Same thing.

No wait, we established school was worse.

Your regular cafeteria spot, still far from other people.

The day felt normal, dull and worthless.

You sat at the table with untouched food in front of you. You drifted off deep into thought until,

You felt the presence of somebody next to you.

It was the boy.

You were normally just neutral when boys sat near you, you didn't really feel anything.

But this time it was different.

You felt scared?

Maybe more like nervous.

He smiled at you, it was really big.

So were his eyes, he had nice big eyes.

His hair was nicely styled but also in a way, kind of fell neatly on his forehead.

He asked how you were and you muttered out fine.

You weren't used to answering that question. In fact the last time you got asked that was...

You don't even know.

How sad.

He sat there and ate with you, he also tried to get you to eat too but you refused. Food didn't seem all that great to you.

The bell rang signalling for you to go to class

He offered to walk you.

You declined his offer and rushed away

You were too scared.


Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now