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The next day was terrible.

You got woken up at 5am by your mother storming in your room to yell at you again for no reason.

After that, you couldn't go back to sleep.

You decided to go to school early and sit in your first class for a while, maybe listen to some music.

Although your phone was really old, it still had music on it. Music was the only nice thing, music actually made you feel a little joy.

He came in early too

Of course.

He smiled at you and walked in your direction.

He sat next to you.

He asked what music you were listening to and he also asked why your phone was so old too.

You lied and told him that your phone was getting repaired so you had to use this one for a while.

The class begun and you tried to talk to him as least as you could.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now