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What was gonna happen to you? Where were you going to go?

A million thoughts just kept running through your mind, but one stuck out more than the rest.


You needed to call him or something, to let him know where you were.

And if you were being honest with yourself, you also needed to hear his voice. You missed it.
You missed him.

There was a phone in your hospital room next to you on a bedside table. You remembered his number, luckily.

You dialled and eagerly waited for an answer but it just rang through. You tried one more time.

Again, it rang through.

At this point you were worrying about him. What if he really thinks you stood him up and now you're ignoring him.

What if he has tried to call your phone, but it's at home. You dropped it when you hung up from the emergency call.

A different nurse came in with your lunch but you really weren't hungry. You couldn't eat with all the stress and the thoughts that were continuously flooding through your mind.

You tried to call him one final time.


It's him.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now