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You woke up in a hospital bed.

There was a nurse in your room already who told you that you had passed out due to the massive amount of stress.

You had been stressed for weeks, this just sent you over the edge.

The nurse asked if you needed anything. You didn't answer, instead you asked a question.

You asked her how your mother was doing.

She asked if you needed anything again. She wouldn't answer you.

You demanded to know the answer. What had happened to her?!

Was she okay?

She apologised and told you the state of your mother.

She was gone...

You broke down in tears, surely she was wrong. The nurse had to be wrong.

You told the nurse you wanted to see her, she said you weren't allowed.

You couldn't believe it.

No, you refused to believe it.

You remembered Lucas.

You left him

He probably thinks you stood him up.

You started to grab all the needles and try to pull them out of your arms. There was so many wires your were connected to.

The nurse immediately stopped you and called out for assistance.

You kept thrashing around and tried to tell them you needed to leave.

You had to go see Lucas.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now