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You walked into your fathers house, it was massive.

It was a two-story house as well, with beautiful decorations and furniture everywhere. You already loved it here.

Lucas was here too, your father invited him to stay the night. He spoke to Lucas' mother about him staying the night. It took quite a bit of convincing to let Lucas have the day off school so he could stay, but his mother finally let him.

You didn't have much stuff to unpack but Lucas still offered to help. There was a room already set up upstairs that would be your new bedroom.

Opening to door of the room your eyes widened. Your bedroom was much bigger than your old one, in fact it was even bigger than your old living room.

Lucas was amazed too at the size. Your dad showed you around the room and then let you and Lucas be so you's could unpack.

"Wow you're so lucky, this room is massive!"

Lucas seemed more excited about this room than you were.

You unpacked your clothes while Lucas set up some of your stuff on the dressing table that was in there, you know like perfume, jewellery etc.

Lucas had finished setting the stuff up and asked if you needed any help, but you were almost done too so you declined his offer.

He went and sat on your bed and waited for you.

You were finally done so you made your way to the bed too and sat next to him.

You rested your head on his shoulder and let out a small sigh.

"Thanks for helping me today."

"It's fine, that's what friends are for right?"

You sat up and looked at him, he looked back at you.

Your eyes connected again, like in the hospital. Only this time it felt different.

The two of you shared eye contact for a few more seconds before he started to lean in. The next thing you knew his lips were on yours.

They were soft and felt amazing connected to your lips. The kiss wasn't too long but it wasn't to short either, it was just right.

He pulled away and your eyes fluttered, you were shocked.

"S-Sorry" he stuttered our and looked down at his hands that were now in his lap.

"It's fine."

He looked at you, surprised.

You softly pecked his lips one more time and smiled at him, to which he returned.

The two of you kind of just laid on your bed for a while, there wasn't much talking but in no way was it awkward.

"So does this mean you're my boyfriend?"

He let out his signature laugh and nudged your arm.

"Of course it does, you weirdo".

This feeling was amazing, you never wanted this exact moment to end.

People told you life got better and you always thought they were lying.

It turns out they were right, but things just take time.

Everything works out in its own time, you just need patience.

Patience : Lucas/YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now