Chapter 1: Target 1-James Townsman

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Please note I do not own any of the Justice, Young Justice or Teen Titans characters. Look at this another book wow I didn't think I would do it but I got board and realized how much you guys liked the first one that I made a sequel! Your welcome please note if you want updates to message me, but make sure to vote and enjoy!


Gotham City 9:24pm

It had been 4 years since the accident. Since the cave exploded. Since Nightwing died. Bruce, Alfred and the boys spent time putting Wayne manor back together again along with a newly fortified Batcave underneath.

 Damien was never the same, he never spoke to anyone. Just came home and went to his room with out food, water and even without Titus his great dane. Jason is still Jason. Cleaning his guns, fighting crime, but overall he was still mourning his brother as well. Tim tried to keep his mind off everything but helping Alfred or Bruce when it was needed. Sometimes when cleaning he would laugh and say "Grayson would be mad." or "Grayson would have loved this." Bruce kept his distance from the family for awhile before returning to the manor saying he was fine. But even the Bat himself knew he wasn't fooling anyone. The batman disappeared for several years, leading to mass crimes, murders, burglaries and more due to his absence but once he returned the crime dropped again. 

Damien came downstairs slowly drifting to the stools before sitting. He wore sweatpants and a blue sweater that had "THE FLYING GRAYSONS" writing on the front. He had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes a dull green. They lost all the hope, wonder, and spunk that they once held. Titus jogged in spotting his owner before slowly walking over. It has alway been said that dogs can sense when one is sad, mad, glad, or angry. This was one of the moments Titus new his owner was upset. He layed his black head down in Damien's lap before giving a small wine, earning a glance from Damien before he began to pet his beloved companion. 

"Titus why is it that all the people I love die?" Alfred, busy washing dishes looked up at his grandson. 

"Master Damien, that isn't true!" The angry butler said making Damien's eyes flash up. The old man slowly began to place the dishes away before making his was to the empty stool next to him.

"Master Dick often said the same thing, when he was sad. He thought that for a very long while till Master Bruce showed him his parents would want him to be his happy self, so from then on Richard vowed to stay his happy, energetic self." Damien smiled at the thought of his brother.

"Alfred?" Alfred looked up at him, tears outlining his eyes. "I miss him." Alfred smiled sadly before pulling him into a hug.

"I miss him too."


My target was James Townsman. He was a druken man for most of his time after his girlfriend dumped him, he later took up the hobby of being a thief. Greattttt right. My job is to kill him for stealing cash and not holding up his end of the bargen for my masters sake. And trust me you do not want to disappoint him.

I looked down at my hologlove before looking into a dark ally. Spotting my blonde haired friend, time to introduce myself. I hopped down about 6 feet away from him, he held a woman in his hands slowly beating her. 

"Is that any way to treat a lady?" This defiantly caught his attention, as he slowly let her go.

"Hey friend o'l buddy, um uh- hows your boss?" He began to fumble over his words as I made my way towards him. The clicking of my steal boots on cement being the only background noise that was being made.

"O nothing just settling a score, but you know its like any other day." He began to shake as his back met a dead end brick wall. 

"Hey well you know I have to make a livin just like ya'll do to, you understand right?" My voice trailing with dark venom before flicking out two knives. 


Jason looked at the tv before calling for the others. Damien and Alfred were the first there, then Tim then Bruce. Jason grabbed the controller and rewinded the videos.

"Breaking News here in Gotham as a dead body was found hung in front of Mall's Bank, the police identifying the body as 38 year old James Townsman, police have yet identified who the killer was and where he might be, this is Rachel from Gotham News." 

The boys all look at Bruce.

"Time to go to work."

To be Continued....

Chapter 2: Be Afraid


Heya guys lookie what I did! Yay a sequel I really hope you all enjoy this book as you did to the previous one. And if you have not read it then WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! Please made sure to vote and comment but in till then Meghan out!

Word Count: 863

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