Chapter 10: Quiet Promise's

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Batcave 3:32am

Bruce carried a now unmasked Nightwing over to the table. It scared everyone. Jason, Tim, Damien, Alfred even Bruce. His oldest son was so willing to end everyones pain so fast, that he was the one who received pain instead. Batman placed him gently down before grazing over his body, seeing all the bloody scars, marks, bruises. Each of them held a story, a story of pain, a story of sadness. But for this boy so much could be told. 

The scar down the right side of his chest was from his first patrol. They took down Tony Zucco but at a cost. The little one on his cheek was when he faced the Riddler. That was a story that Bruce couldn't even tell. The bigger and deeper wounds were from his many captures and fights with the mad clown and his queen. And now theses ones. The ones that will truly scar him for the rest of his life. Ones that he received to protect his brother.

Alfred had placed the heart monitor on Richard, as well as a blood transfusion bag for the loose of blood. Seeing Alfred so quiet but carefully not to break the boy broke everyones heart. Jason knew that Dick was Alfred's favorite but he was also his first grandson that had almost died in front of him.


"HAHAHAHAAhA!" A crazed clown cackled as he dragged a body to the doorsteps of Wayne manor. The Joker turned before pulling the body hard, loosening the rope. 

"Sorry we couldn't have more fun boyo, but its time to take you home. Remember to be in bed before nine. Oh oh and please tell the big man I said hi." His voice low and dark before pounding on the door.  The light to the front of the manor flicked on before the door slowly opened.

"Hello?" Alfred looked around only seeing the bright luminescent moon and shadows of the shrubbery. Stepping out further he heard a whine. His eyes shot to the bottom of the stairs. And there he was, Robin. 

The old man raced down the steps pulling off the rope and turning his grandson toward the light for inspection. His blue crystal eyes widened before tears slipped out.

"My word, Master Grayson hang on!" He swiftly grabbed the boy, when picking him up his head lye limp falling down his arm making Alfred's breath hitch. The butler ran as fast as he could, passing the painted picture of Mary and John Grayson with Richard at the center. Mary wearing her signature leotard, John to he left. His arm securely wrapped her and an arm on their sons shoulder. Richard smiling his signature grin. Next to that one The Wayne's before their last day.

Flashback ends-

Alfred placed a chair besides Richard. With a shakey hand he swept his raven hair out of Richards face, revealing his pale but young face. Alfred smiles a little before placing a hand in his cold one. 

"Please wake up Master Grayson." The old man pleaded before drips of water pittered pattered onto the cement floor. 

Damien was sitting not to far holding his mask and sweater. 'The Flying Grayson's' sketched into it. It was a soft but beautiful blue. Dick's favorite color. Damien smiled at the thought of his older brother bouncing off the walls, tickling the boys, yelling at them and holding them. He peered over looking at his father. 

Bruce's face was in his hands. Though he was strong he knew his father was crying. Though it seemed to surprise the boy. Never did he ever think that his own father cried. 

Jason stared at his younger brothers. He knew dying sucked but he didn't realize that this caused so much pain for his family. He knew that it did a little damage but he never realized that it could do so much like shatter a family. Jason loved his brother, though he would never show it he did. He remembered how when Dick stopped being Robin that he had come home a couple years and freaked out. Thinking he had been replaced he stayed away for awhile. 

For some time Jason thought it was truly his fault. Bruce constantly lectured Jason to be better, but deep down he knew Bruce was just. Broken. After he died, he too thought he was replaced when Tim came into Bruce's life. It took some time but he got used to him. 

For Jason he too hoped that his big brother would just wake up.


Bruce's POV

It had been 3 hours since there arrival with Richard and so far nothing. Tim and Jason passed out on the Batmobile holding onto each other like one was going to disappear. Damien passed out in my arms. He had cried for an entire hour, and Alfred passed out on the side of the medical bed the held my boy. I carefully picked up Damien, and walked over to Dick. Placing his slowly down the the right of him. Damien shuffled a little before wrapping his arms around Dick.

"Richard I don't know if you can hear me but your brothers are waiting here for you. Alfred and Dami miss you so much. I thing the boys are getting along which scares me." I said with a little chuckle. "Kiddo I miss you and I'm sorry for all those times that I yelled at you, hurt you I really am. I just going to say the truth. If you hadn't been there I don't think I would be where I am now, thank you for that. You have taught me how to be a loving father." I smiled as a tear sliped down my face.

"Dad, come here I need to tell you something." Grayson said before racing off into the kitchen. Bruce got up from the sofa.

"Alright Alright I'm coming." He said with a laugh. He slowly walked around the corner before getting hit with a white flash. 

A giggle sounded before Bruce opened his eyes. There sat a little 6 year old Grayson giggling in a pound of flour. Bruce laughed before running the Grayson.

"Come here you little rascal!" A laugh and giggles echoed threw the once quiet manor.

"Hey dad.."  Bruce looked down at him with a flour covered smile.


"You'll be there for me right?" Bruce faced the boy before looking at him with a serious face.

"Of course I will be chum, why the question?"

"Because I will always be there for you, even when your gone."  He looked up with his cheesy smile. 

"Don't worry D-dad, I will always be here. Like I promised."


To Be Continued.....

Word Count: 1,099

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