Chapter 5: My birthday?

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Wayne Manor 5:24 pm

The boys were at their normal activities, pranking each other, or watching movies. But today they were helping Alfred with cleaning the Manor for once. That means cleaning 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, the kitchen, living room and the Batcave. Damien was helping with cleaning the living room as the sound of a car pulled in caught his attention. For a little while nothing then the doorbell rang, catching all the Batboys attention even the old man himself.Alfred quickly dusted himself off before answering the door. Bruce was standing there and slightly behind him was a boy.

"Alfred we have an unexpected guess staying with us for a little while." Alfred smiled and went upstairs to prepare the room only to realize the only room available was Master Richards. He went downstairs finding the boys playing the game of twenty questions with the boy.

"Master Jason,Timothy and Damien leave him alone. Master Wayne the only available room right now is um." His stumbled over his words before tears came out.

"My word, excuse me." Alfred said as he left. Bruce figured that it was Dick's room, he knew why the butler was like the way he was now. Getting over Dick's death had been hard for all of them but mostly on Alfred. Richard always was with him no matter what, helping, being a goof, sad, mad anything that boy would go to his grandfather. 

Bruce looked back at R before laughing, the boys were inspecting every part of him. R looked at Bruce before smiling, but that smile slowly faded.

"You know if you hide me, he will only find me again. But he will have far worse consequences then before." He said, subcontiously grabbing his neck and rubbing his arms. The boys traded glances between the pair, obviously confused on what was going on entirely.

"Boys this is R. He is going to be staying with us for a while."



There went my eardrums. I finally stood up and walked next to Bruce.

"Yes, I am the assassin who killed Townsman and tried to kill Damien, but believe me I don't want to be here as much as you do trust me."

"Oh really, sense when do we allow murderers in our house Bruce!"

"Look who's talking Todd, for a 17 year old your quite small, but for one that was arisen from the dead you talk an awful lot of shit. Considering last I remember you killed about 46 people, so if I were you I would keep quiet." This making Jason immediately silent, but that didn't stop him from glaring at me. Tim eyed me suspiciously before whispering into Damien's ear.

"Timothy Drake  age: 15 Parents both deceased, you lived here after the death of your now adoptive brother Jason Todd and became Robin when you were young, you also are now the famous Red Robin. You intellectual speak and learning abilities are just as high as Richards. You and Damien over there look highly of Mr.Grayson. And yes I know everything about anyone else." 

The boys jaws dropped at my information I had on them. Seriously don't they know that the Justice League has this information too. I smiled only to see spots in my vision.

"Since when did you have holes in you wall?" Bruce looked at me with confusion before running over and catching me.


"Happy Birthday to you.......Happy Birthday dear Grayson.......Happy....birthday tooo..... you" My vision cleared up, eventually placing me in another memory. What is going on?

The boy from earlier showed up running past me and into a big tent. Tumbling, cartwheeling off train cars, which was cut due to him running into a man.

"Sorry mister."

"You better be pip squeak!" He says grabbing the boy raising him above where his feet could touch.

"Put him down!" The man before ran past me, knocking the other man down.

"Are you okay Dick?" The boy smiled before nodding.

"Nothing could ruin my birthday!" A flash and We were on a pedestal not to far away from the incident with the man.

"And now for the younger addition, Richard Grayson." A creak caused me, well both of us to look up. The wires were moving up. THEY ARN'T GOING TO HOLD! Looked at the couple, they too taking notice, but a little to late. The line snapped and Mary began to tumble to the unforgiving earth.


"MOM!" I ran over trying to grab her only, to fall with her. I tried to grab her, but my hand went right threw her, like she was a ghost. I watched as the earth came closer and closer. John and Mary looked at each other before holding each other.

"Someone please take care of our beloved boy, I love you John." 

"I love you to Mary." A sickening crack was made as we all hit the ground, their bodies mangled together. I leaned on my side (which was pretty torn up from my fight with Slade) looking at them, tearing up before wailing out for help.


"MAMA! TATA!" Bruce went full sprint into Richard's room, opening the door to find R flailing around. He hurriedly ran over sitting on the bed.

"R! R wake up! R?!"

"Cineva sa ma ajute, raul lor, cineva te rog!" No matter what bruce did R would simply not listen, but Bruce was listening all to well. He knew Romanian?! He thought harder before realizing who he had in his arms.

"Richard?" R's eyes bust opened as he jumped over Bruce and ran off the bed. He breaths were way to fast, making him hyperventilate.

"Richard breathe!" The boys lenses widened before looking around. A nightmare, he shook his head before saying something that made Bruce's heart tear.

"Today's my birthday, today was the day THEY died. Todays my birthday, today was th-" He kept repeating the words over and over, like he was put on replay. Bruce could tell that he was trying to put the pieces together, but he was too broken to understand what he saw. 

", they died." He stumbled to the floor crying, before passing out again, his breaths still to fast.

Bruce slowly walked over holding him tight before rubbing circles on R's back, in return his breaths evened out. Steady, in and out. What did Deathstoke do to his boy?

The door slowly creaked open revealing Damien, he slowly made his way over to Bruce and R.

"Father can a sleep in here with him." Bruce knew how much Damien missed Richard. He nodded as get picked up R and placed him in his bed. His son was finally home, but he needed to be fixed. Damien hoped into the bed pulling R closer before going to sleep. 

"Richard your brother needs you to remember, please don't forget him." And with that he kissed them on the head, closing the door to the two sleeping Birds.


To be Continued.....

Word Count: 1184

Loookie, lookie I did it. This was a interesting chapter to write all together but it was fun too. I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I am going to enjoy watching Deathstroke die! So what do you think about Richard getting his memories back, cool huh? Lol my fav part was R's sass. 

-A Faded Bird's Memory- (Sequal to A Dark Past of a Boy Wonder)Where stories live. Discover now