Chapter 21: The Burning Cure

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As Batman left me gasping on the floor, he went to the Batcave to devise a plan. A plan in which I created. The plan was that I would leave the team and the mountain to go, make my way to Damien though with a tracker for safe measures. Once I get to the base that Slade had the Wayne at I would tell Slade that I have returned like a little puppy following its master. Hopefully if he falls for it. I will help Slade a little as the now mole of the plan. Since I am the only one who knows Slade's routine along with the others in the building. When he goes on his little "patrol" I will make my way to Damien. Then from there tell him (Damien) what is going on and what is to happen once I get him free.

 But the only thing bats doesn't know is that I won't be returning with Damien. I will put the tracker on Damien with the exact coordinates of Bruce before sending the signal that I have Dami and am heading his way. Though it will only be Damien, with a flash drive and specific instructions. He is to return to Bruce but go to the mountain, asking all of the hero's on earth to gather for a important update on Slade. He will then open the flash drive to two documents but I'll tell you that later.

"Richard! Oh my god are you ok? Bats looked like he was going to kill you!" Wally said as he ran up to my side, helping me get up as he checked me over.

"It's ok-ay I'm alrigh-" I said spreading a fake okay-ish smile, hopefully fooling him. Of coarse it worked on him but not the companion next to him.

"Dick, are you really okay? What did he want?" Wonder Woman asked as she came closer, what felt like x-raying my entire being.

"He was just- just expressing concerns of me being here. Being a danger to the Team to the Justice League, me being a spy for Slade. That this was a set up, that's all." I said as I suddenly took interest in my feet staring at them a bit. I could tell Diana wasn't impressed by the loud sigh she gave before gently moving me into a room.

I didn't even really have time to register what room we were going into but that I was scared and frightened by any of them.


"You will be my apprentice, or you will be a dead birdy!" Slade yelled as he threw my body to the ground. It was the day he first caught me, he was extremely upset at the fact my stubbornness was a big issue. But what can I say lots of villain's have tried but none succeeded, hell ask the Joker. He put a couple of lovely scars on me for safe keeping, a reminder of who and what I am protecting.

As I was thrown the concrete meeting my lovely bruised and quite beaten body I let out a desperate and painful moan, catching Slade's all for seeing face.

"Oh is birdy hurt, let me help you." He slowly pealed me off the floor a bit before kicking my chest, making a source of air leave in a instant. Hearing a solid crack of what was probably a rib help deliver more pain.

He chuckled before walking back towards the door or the small cramped space of a room, before turning to look at my corpse lying on the ground.

"You will not eat or drink till I think you given up and joined me. We will see how long you last, and if you do I'll make Dr.Crain have so fun with you. We all know how much he loves his little gas experiments." He laughed harder before slamming the door shut, leaving me in the cold dark abyss.


"Richard? Richard!" I snapped my head to her worried face before glancing at the mirror behind her. I was fairly paler in complexation and worried scarred my face, I hadn't been breathing for a bit. I quickly sucked in air before turning back at the room, the room hadn't done anything and neither did she.


"What did Bruce tell or ask of you, I want you to be honest will me. Or so help Hera if you do we will have a little talk." I knew better than to lie to Diana, even then we know if its to protect those we cherish we just have to do it. Clearing my throat before speaking.

"Bruce was upset that I was here, claimed that I really wasn't his son. He really wasn't lying he never had the documents signed for my adoption. But he was worried for Dami." I slowly closed my eyes waiting for her to yell, shout, scream and even hit me. But nothing happened, she just sat there staring at me with a face full of shock before I saw the tear. It slowly slide down her oval face down the edge, as if holding on for dear life, before letting go, letting go of its purpose.

I didn't have time to register what happened as the sudden rush of air and pressure of body heat. The sniffles and tears landing on my shoulder, and shakes of her voice and cries.

"Dick, you are his son. His most cherished and loved, his first born. He may not say it but he shows it. When you disappeared, he told Damien news of why he had left for court. He left to sign the adoption papers on the first year that you were gone. On your birthday. He signed for you, Jason, Tim and Damien as his own." My eyes widened with everything little thing she said.

"He may be angry right now, but he is just worried for Damien. And he's worried about you." She said looking down at the ground.

"Diana, what is it?" She kept her eyes on the tiled floor before crushing them close, and shaking her head.

"Dick I pulled you over here not only to talk about Bruce's um....'talk' but your health." She took a shaky breathe before looking me in the eye.

"You have chemical poisoning. I don't know for how long, but it is from all of these drugs and poisons in your system. Canary was trying to tell you but she couldn't bring herself to do it. We kept looking through books in the library, we think we found the book that has the cure. Not much is written about it, only that if not treated you could die. Your organs would fail and one by one eventually kill you." I looked at her for a mere second, wondering about this before placing a smile on my face.

"Its okay, we will figure it out" No we won't my mind repented. I lied to her twice now, and I will have to live with that.

"Diana, I-I think I-uh need a little time." I said trying to wash the worry and guiltiness for the next thing.

"O-okay Richard." She smiled a small heartwarming smile, letting a little sigh before turning.
"I'm so sorry Diana...." I whispered before knocking her out. Slowly dragging her over to the wall, making sure she didn't fall before racing off. I am sorry, I have to do this.

After a little while I reached the library, glancing around at it. Books scathed every inch of it, on the floor, walls and benches. I make my way over seeing a book next to the computer and almost instantly recognizing as the one Diana mentioned. Guilt washed over me as I scanned the pages till reaching the one I needed. Ripping them both out and crumpling them up, before flicking out a match.

The small flame brought new life to the paper, as the flames licked away the words leaving memories and ashes of that which was needed information.

I ran out and too the exit, it was time for the plan. To save Dami and save them. I'm doing this for them, I just hope they can forgive me.

To Be Continued....

Next Chapter: The Lost and The Rescued

Word Count: 1,484

-Hey guys long time no see. Sorry Junior year has been absolutely crazy, after having archery and now doing soccer I have a crazy schedule but lucky for you I have history which means I will have time for the finishing of this book. I must let you know that I will be ending this chapter in the next chapter. I have had so much fun writing it and playing with the characters. But I will be potentially writing one of the following: BirdFlash, Katsudeku(BNHA), doing my personal book or a NALU(Fairy Tail) book. I would like your guys's opinion on the matter if you will. But I will see you soon my little chickadee's lol.

Sincerely ya author, Meghan

-A Faded Bird's Memory- (Sequal to A Dark Past of a Boy Wonder)Where stories live. Discover now