Chapter 8: The Battle

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Young Justice Mountain 8:45pm

I closed my eyes before shifting into fighting stance, this. This is what I want, to fight for others that I love. Not to stand by as the innocent get killed by him or even by me. I opened my eyes glaring at him. I was going to end this once and for all. I made a promise to her, I promised Tera the night before that I was going to be the one to end this man. And that is what I am going to do.

Tera was like my little sister from the beginning. From my Robin days, at the Teen Titans. Everyone on that team was family no matter what, you stood for each other. Even in the hardest of times. And before I left to become Nightwing I had established that rule and intrusted Kory to keep the same. 

Kory. She would always put a smile on my face no matter what. And my brothers. Wow where do I even begin with them. Damien was my little brother, my little robin. He was the main thing that I had to protect from the evil. As much as he hides it , I know there are times where he is scared. Jason well Jason is himself but he is just as close as family can get. He was there to hold my secrets and help me when I was hurt. Tim always trying to help find a plan or way out of our pain filled situation. To me every person I met, was a person worth meeting. This man in front of me wanted to take that away from me. 

Metal boots began to click, making their way toward me. Its time to end this, now! 

"Time to go Renegade." He raced forward making an attempt to hit my legs. I quickly backflipped and countered with a punch to the jaw, which was stopped with a fast blow to my shoulder. Cartwheeling backward I bent down and pulled up one of the rusty pipes. Flicking it around a couple of times before racing forward. I kick his Katana out of his hands, successfully before hitting his mask with the pipe knocking him back a few paces.

He grabbed his mask, a spider web like crack appeared on it. He reached behind him pulling out a remote. THE SHOCK REMOTE! All I could feel was pain ricochetting threw my body making me fall. It hurt more than you could ever think, I couldn't show them that I was in pain. Despite that I felt numb I bit my lip trying to persuade the screams of the damned to go away, that I was alright.

Slade flew forward delivering his endless barge of punches before sending a couple of knives towards me. I managed to dodge most of the knives but one, which happily stuck itself in my leg making me whimper a little. Slowly rising I closed my eyes, ripping the knife out and placing out in front of me. Cocking it sideways before flashing in front of him cutting his chest and kicked him into a set of pipes. He rebounding by pulling out his pistol.

"Goodbye boy!" Firing 6 shots. I quickly grabbed his Katana off the ground cutting each bullet in half before throwing one of my favorite toys at him. A explosive baterang, which he dodged. I kept deflecting the bullets as the baterang came back enlodging itself in the the ejection port of the gun before exploding. Sending the pistol or the bits of pistol sprawling to the sides of the room. Thankfully the unshot bullets did not explode around the room, but the barrel  of the gun had got itself stuck in the window from which every hero and sick kick was watching. 

Damien was standing there his hand on the glass watching me and Slade fight. His mask had been off showing his emerald green eyes. He held sadness and worriedness in them. He shouting endless remarks at me, for me to stop, that I didn't need to do it. But I knew all to well if I let Slade Wilson live he would come back and kill everyone I cared of loved. 

A gust of air caught me off guard before Slade appeared throwing his Katana at me. My stomach begged me to give up.

"Have fun in the after life boy."

"GRAYSON!" A shriek came out. My eyes slowly lowered down to see why all movements were stopped. Slade pulled out his katana which was now covered in crimson blood. My muscles screamed at me 'fall down, give up.' I strained my body and forced it to move forward. With every step a new pain flare made it hurt more. Slade laughed his cold laugh before kicking me into the cement wall behind me.

"Pathetic." Even with his words I stood up. I coughed felling the cold liquid go down my quivering lips and onto my suit. The pain, it felt like someone pulled me apart, burned me, stabbed me a million times. But I know I have to fight it, for her, for them. My eyes looked at him. He was still laughing, slowly making his way over to my location. Spots made there way to my vision. 'Fight it, stay awake' I kept telling myself as I pushed forward. After reaching full sprint I quickly ran up to Slade coming to an abrupt stop.

"I'll see you in hell." I said before a piercing crack sounded. A gargle and cold liquid fell down my back, quickly I kicked him backward before swinging the katana, cutting his head clean off.  I smiled at my work before falling backward landing on the wall, sliding till meeting the cold ground. 

" I did it, Tera I beat him. For you." Banging sounded from the door, averting my attention to the glass. Damien was screaming and pounding on the glass window, trying to get it to break from the earlier explosion. Tim and Jason also trying to help, kicking it over and over. Bruce frantically typing his way threw every passcode he could think of. Pain seemed to be normal for me, so much that I became numb to it. 

I smiled thinking of what Batman or the boys would say to me.

"Your an idiot Grayson." Damien would have said.

"What the hell Dick, you could have gotten yourself hurt." Jason always said at one point.

"You are so Reckless Dick." Tim would say smartly before helping.

"Richard you could have done something different that could then stopped you from getting further injuries." Bruce would lecture on. 

These thoughts making me laugh a little. I slowly began to get up as blood kept seeping it way out of my mouth. Shuffling over to the glass, catching all of their attentions, placing my hand on the glass again. It too was covered in blood, not just mine. I pulled off my mask seeing my ocean blue eyes that seemed to be hidden forever. Hot liquid finally making its way down my face before I uttered what I felt was a good last words.

"I love you, all of you." Damien racing over pounding on the glass as his other hand was on mine, then darkness.


To be Continued.....

Word Count: 1,271

Hey guys look at that the bastard is dead. 

*Dodges a flying baterang*

Im sorry but I promise you this is now the end for our little Richard, I really enjoyed making this damn battle scene for you guys. Let me know what your thoughts were on it. Make sure to vote and follow me for more chapters and updates but for now, Meghan out!

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