Chapter 4: Memories

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My mission is to catch the one I couldn't catch, Damien Wayne but now with Tara. We were sat atop of a building Wayne Enterprises waiting, waiting for the order to finish what I could not.  Only Master was watching our every move from the shadows. He practically was the shadows, which scared me. What happens if I don't do it the way he wants it done? Or if I mess up again?

"Richard?" I looked up in front of me but only saw another wall.

"Richard darling have you finished your vegetables?" A women with blonde hair smiled at me from across the table where I was sat.

"Son if you don't finish them, you won't be big and strong like me and your mother." A giggle sounded thats when I realized I was next to a little boy. He had raven black hair that dangled into his eyes, he was very hyper and skinny but the thing that held my attention was his eyes. They were a crystal ocean blue, you could almost swim in his eyes.

"Yes mom I ate them, can we please go practice?" I smiled as I watched him swoop under the table and spit the bracolli straight into the trash bin before cartwheeling out the door.

"Mary I'm telling you, a leash is what that boy needs." The two laughed before they too left there trailer. I walked around it for awhile, the smell of popcorn, cotton candy and sounds of laughter traveled threw the air. I eventually stopped in front of a poster. The Flying Grayson's.

"R? R..R!" I was shook from the dream like state to see Tara.

"Hey are you alright?" I looked at her for awhile before forming words.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, lets go."


"Tell me who you are!" Batman yelled. They had captured their little assassin with a friend this time. Batman almost recognized her immediately as Tera Markov from the Teen Titans. He had sent Superman and Wonder Woman to interrogate her but so far no avail. So Batman tried the boy, but he didn't get anything. The boy remained silent but kept glancing at the cameras quickly then at the glass.

"Does this room make you uncomfortable?" He looked up at the Bat quickly before nodding. Something was up with this boy he held back when they fought, he freaked out in the alleyway and flinched when he mentioned 'HIS MASTER'. Whoever this master was this boy was afraid of him. 

Suddenly the TV behind him lit up showing a man in the mask, Deathstroke himself. The boy looked at the screen in fear and looked at the cuffs he had been placed in since we got here and began to breathe fast.

"I see you have taken my apprentices, let me teach you what happens when you take things that arn't yours." He pulled up a trigger, with this the boy began to frantically yank on the cuffs, in the process cutting his wrists. Slade pushed the button sending a electrical current threw him making the boy scream. Next door a girl's scream sounded.

"Stop it!" Nothing.

"Your going to kill them!"  Finally he let go of the button and it stopped, the silence was defening.

"I want one of my apprentices the boy, if I don't get him at the roof of Wayne Enterprises I will find him myself." The screen cut to a black, then static. A whimpering noise was made, getting Batmans attention. This then making Bruce stand up and walk to him, the boy flinched hearing the seat move and jerked away from the bat. Whatever this man has done to these kids, he did some damage.

"It's okay, I'm just going to undo the cuffs. See?" The boy peared over his hands and watched as Bruce slowly undid the cuffs making them clank as they fell off.

"What is your name." There was long silence before getting his answer.

" is...R, I don't know my real name." Batman looked puzzled for awhile. Did he have amnesia, get into an accident.

"Do you remember anything anything at all that could help us?" He looked up a little.

"No, but I'm getting bits and pieces." He started to smile, causing the bat to smile a bit.

"That's good, but for now you will stay here at my home. At-"

"Wayne manor." Batman's lenses widened, how did this boy know where he lives.

"You are Bruce Wayne, your parents both died on crime ally leaving you as an orphan, you got a lot of your help from Alfred, your beloved father figure and butler. You had 4 sons but from what I received is that one has passed away. I am sorry."

Bruce had to admit this kid knew him well.

"Well common chum, lets go the the manor and meeting you roomies." R looked up smiling a bit before hoping up.

"Can I ride shoot gun, wait am I meeting the bat team, how old are you, what-" He sure talked a lot, kind of like Dick. Its like having a mini dick around again(Hehehe dick nvm)


To Be Continued....

Look what I did 2 chapters in 1 day, so proud of myself. I really hope your enjoying this crazy book, I know I am enjoying writing it and reading it myself. Please leave a vote and a comment if you want to help add somethings or extras in the book, that would be fine. But intill then Meghan out!

Word Count: 923

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