Chapter 19: Not So Happy Family Reunion

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Previously In Faded Bird's Memory

"I promise we will get Dick back. Come on little bird, its time." I nodded into his chest before feeling another embrace from the back, turning slightly to see it was Jason. 


"Scarecrow, how close is he?"

A little dot, blinking every so often had been moving on the screen, down allies, yards not that there was much green in the city of Gotham.

"2.34 Miles, You know what I need Slade." A audible sign echoed through the eerie room.

"The boy yes but the other as bait."

"Ooohhh can I please help, please Slade? Can I make something go boom, or what about carving a nice smile into his face?!" A cackled cough sounded before silence again.

"Not yet, but very soon you can have your fun."

The dot stoped moving.

"In position."

"Very good, now for phase one to begin. Renegade cause some havoc, I need the big bad bat and his meddling birds." Static filled the coms.
"Roger that." 

Come out, come out where ever you are, Batman.


"Cause some havoc, I need the big bad bat and his meddling birds." Looking around my location, I was positioned right around the Cafe from earlier. Many people hung out or even went on a stroll, it would suck say if something bad happened.

"Roger that." I said before pulling out the detonator Joker gave me shortly after the plan was explained and pressing it.

 The cafe exploded as the fire ate the interior pealing away the paint revealing the old rickety beams holding up the foundation. The flames began to heat the exterior, burning the white shudders till they were stricken with black. The mint green now turned into a dark brown with singe marks, making scars. 

The people in it screamed, they echoed through the cold air. Cries for help and for him. The Batman to come save them. Witnesses near by watch in horror as some desperately raced in trying to save many but come out with few. 

For some reason I to asked for the Batman to save them, or at least like I feel like I did. Slade had explained that Batman had hurt me, and put me in a coma. Waking up from that coma cause me to loose many memories of the past. Dr. Johnathan Crane or Scarecrow was coming up with an antidote for my loss in memories. 

But for me I feel as if though Slade doesn't want me to remember. The boys from earlier, Slade scolded me about many times. I slowly reach for my back self consciously remembering the training sessions and whippings for disobedience of this. Another question for my past life.

A black figure flew by with three little birds, time for phase one. Slowly hoping down from the stairs, I walk to the ally way and sit at the corner watching as the pair run around trying to suffocate the flames, trying to save the few left in the cafe before tending them to the ambulances. Starting to get bored I realize the little one has been sitting farther back for the main three, now is my chance.

Slipping into the shadows I pull my disks out before calculating how far and hard I need to throw from my current position. Finally sitting still I throw it, watching as it glides through the air and  hits the ground next to him causing him to turn around. I step into the light sending a wild smile.


I watched as Drake, Todd and Father raced in and out of the flaming Cafe. I was standing far away making sure no body interfered in any way. Something hit the ground next to me, catching my attention away from the chaos. My eyes widened as I inspect the item, it was a disk similar to Father and I's. Looking up and seeing him, making chills run down my spine. Renegade was back but the worse thing isn't cause he started the fire, it was that he was smiling.

-A Faded Bird's Memory- (Sequal to A Dark Past of a Boy Wonder)Where stories live. Discover now