Chapter 12: Who are you?

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Batcave 4:20 A.M

Richards body shook out of control. The monitors screaming that something was wrong. Alfred ran over to the boy and scanned before producing a full plan.
"Master Bruce hold his feet down, I will hold his arms. Master Todd grab a cotton pad, he can not bite his tongue. If he does he could die." Everyone did as they were told, as for Tim and Damien well they were shocked. Tim slowly had tears form as he watched his older brother shake out of control, that wasn't normal even for him he was quite shaken. He slowly looked over before rushing over to Damien.
Damien had tears down his eyes but he was so in shock you could see it in his eyes. They shook in fear as they watched in terror. Tim rans over before hugging him, its funny though. He never thought that he would ever hug the demon but seeing like this hurt him a lot. He may fight with him but under that entire facade he loved his little brother and so did everyone else.
It had been hours before Richard stopped shaking. At one point he sat up and jolted around and yelling about Joker before belching out a blood curdling scream. Alfred had gone to bed seeing as he had stayed up for a long 7 hours without stopping, constantly working on Dick. Bruce was pacing, with every 5 steps he would look at him before continuing. Damien had passed out on Tim, Tim too laid his head on his little brother before sleep consumed him. But Jason, he was all to awake.
Watching his older brother, a sickening pale body lye quiet, his raven black hair matted to he forehead and his body covered in sweat. Alfred said that had to do with Dick fighting the poison.
Jason's POV
Watching my brother shake like that is more scary than you. Imagine the only you love the most, family trying to hold on to their life but yell about their traumatic experiences before screaming and passing out. Imagine that scream echoing threw your head, bringing your own scary memories back. In my case the torcher the crazed clown did to me. I walked over to him before looking at my feet.
"Dickie Bird.....I'm sorry. Right now I need to rant. Let me tell you something, remember the fight we had when you got mad because you felt like we abandoned you. Heres the thing. You don't think I understand what it's like to be abandoned?To be the Robin nobody trusts? Bruce took several years of convincing before he led me to being Robin. For awhile he would say Grayson this Grayson that. I'm not like you, I will never be. But I can feel just the same as you, we came from terrible accidents. My parents deaths sent me to the streets and yours makes you rethink your birthday. That I can feel, sadness, disappointment, not worth peoples time. That, that I can feel. Damn it you better come back to us, we need you, I need you. Please Grayson....wake up."
Dick's POV
My body felt so numb from the painful blows the Joker did. As I hung from the ceiling slow whispers are heard.
"Grayson.....wake up." I look up to the ceiling, before closing my eyes.
The sound of monitors ticking at each beat of a heart, the ticking of a clock, the snores of the sleeping, the clicking of worried feet, and a gust of wind. I open my eyes only to close them again. The blinding lights sending a headache to my head. I slowly opened them again before adjusting my eyes.
I was in a giant cave, one filled with bats apparently. I myself was on a med table, a few feet away was a sleeping man with a red bird stretched across his chest, two pair of boys lying on the ground fast asleep and a man a black suit sleeping. Where am I exactly? Well who am I?
All the questions ran threw my head so fast, making the room to spin and close in on me. My breath rushed out, a panic attack was developing. The monitors to my right begin the bounce up and down rapidly sending loud chirping noises. Alerting everyone that was once asleep.
The boy in green ran up to me faster than Flash, and hugged me. The noises of the machines and people began to down out with a ringing in my ears. Sniffles and crys sent me back to the present. All of them asking me questions, "Are you alright?" "How do you feel?" I slowly push the boy out of my chest, this catching him offgaurd. The questions from the many standing right in front of me kept going, but I could not offer an answer. Why? Why can't I?
"STOP!" I slowly calmed myself before glancing at all of them.
"Who are you?"
To Be Continued......
Word Count: 914
Hey guys look what I did. Sorry for the VERY VERY VERY late update. But I truly hope its good enough to hold you over. I plan on making another chapter tomorrow so don't worry. I am not giving up on this story. I flew over to my dads in Washington State so I have had 2 weeks to adjust here and 2 I am typing this on my iPad. lol but for now Meghan out!

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