Chapter 22: The Lost and The Rescued

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The Lost and The Rescued

(Last Chapter. Warning you may cry and hate me, I'm sorry. I love you all!)

Richard's POV

Gotham seemed busy with people, running around like little white, lab mice. I was sat on the edge of Wayne Tower, looking down as the rain washed away my raven soaked hair. I felt like it was trying to cleanse me of my sins, the people I have kilt. I shouldn't even be called a hero much less a side kick.

This was my rondevu to meet Bats with Damien. On top of this big pile of bricks and money, I was always fascinated with this damned thing. The Richest Orphan Bruce Wayne with the girls, money and fame. I used to want to be just like him, but that changed after awhile of being in the Young Justice.

I realized he took more risks, more than I ever could take. Always sacrificing his team, even us 'kids', I couldn't do that. To me its like taking a baby and tossing it off a bridge, they were to valuable to me, they were family. Granted Bruce was that but he didn't act like much of a dad.

I give him my thanks in many ways. If he hadn't taken me in under his wing (ha batwing) than I could have been like Jason, no offense to Jay. I would have been scudding around Gotham, dirty, hungry and homeless. Destined to steal to even get by, a thief.

Slowly raising my head, my eyes closed feeling each individual drop. It felt nice, quiet, like I could forget what I was doing. But I couldn't, reaching in my side pocket and pulling out a flash drive (ha-ha the flash, ok I'm done..), rolling my thumb across it. It was red, yellow, green with a sleek clear polished finish with my signature 'R' on top. Placing it back, I rolled to my feet ready to accept reality.

Running off roofs and swinging of buildings, slowly but surely making my way to the location.

My mind wandered again thinking about it, him, Damien. All this time I left my brothers behind for four plus years, and didn't tell them a damn thing. Pretended that I didn't know them, lied to them, even fought them. All I wanted to do was scream, tell them I'm sorry, tell them everything. Like they did to me, brothers don't lie to brothers.

I sprinted as my vision blurred with my broken tears, I had so much to say and now I can't tell them.

I stopped only three buildings away, trying to calm down, to catch my breath. A sharp pinch had me gasp as I grabbed my aching ribs. I was still sick, and hurt. I coughed, coughed and coughed in to my arm before sitting back on the brick building side, looking at my arm.

The crimson red slowly trickling down the scars and scabs of the past before dropping to the wet ground below. A color I often saw too much of. I hope Diana is okay, and when she sees what I did she can forgive me. I knew before she even told me, that I was sick.

Chemical poisoning, a poisoning that slowly kills the host. If more poisons or incorrect medicines are administered the hosts organs will slowly disintegrate and/or eat themselves up. The only cure to be found was a mixture of herbal medicines, done correctly can cure them. Done wrong and could speed up the process killing the host in the same day as administered. It was a rare thing to get, but most don't survive.

Sitting myself upwards, onto my feet I begin the trek to the warehouse. Underground was where the main base was. From my time with Slade, Scarecrow, Joker and the others, they all jointed up here to discuss upcoming kill plans, ways to take down the Batman, to take his city. They have two science centers, twenty plus cemented rooms for those they capture and torcher. I would know, I practically lived in one for most of my 'stay'. They most likely took Dami to the room on the far East wing, the torcher wing I liked to call it. Or if he's lucky they threw him in my room. Poor kid prolly wouldn't know what happened in there. Blood stains covered on a wall, the wall they tied me too and beat me till an inch of my life before I passed out or their arm ached, which ever came first.

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