Chapter 16: Întunericul

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Batcave 2:32 A.M

-3rd Person POV-

The sound of crisp papers folding over echoed through the quiet cave. Shortly after the news about their brothers condition the Batfam was in quite a whirl. Jason was currently looking over the heath tab that Alfred had taken from that very eventful night.

He had scanned it about 20 different times. He didn't understand why all of the sudden the villains take an interest in Grayson. He slowly glanced over at his watch, which read 2:34 am. 'Damn it was morning and very late' He thought. 

A soft snore caught his attention, making him turn in his chair to spot a lump in the Batcomputers chair. Another snore, Jason slowly stood up making his way to it. He smiled a little as he caught a glimpse of the occupant who was fast asleep in the chair. There was Damien sleeping deeply and soundly. 

His black fluffy hair in his face, drool slowly falling down his pale complexion. Making Jason smile more. If you saw Damien in this way, he didn't look like the kid that almost lost everything. He looked young when he slept. When he was awake he acted like a 18 year old but when he slept he look like his age, a good age of 12. 

He too like the rest of his brothers did lose something. His grandfather, his mother, his childhood. He was ment to run around with friends and joke, not be an assassin and protect a city of bad people. He wasn't suppose to be a sidekick to the infamous Batman. No he was suppose to be a child.

A snore broke Jasons train of thought. He slowly squatted down poking Dami on his forehead, making the boy squirm.

"Come on Dami, lets go to bed-" He said load enough for the younger boy to hear.

"Noo....I don't...nee.....sweep....hlep...grayson.." The tired boy tried to say in the middle of a yawn before soundly going back to sleep. Jason gently ruffled Damiens hair before picking his up with ease to take him to his room.

Slowly opening the clock, Jason slowly closed it before looking around. Again spotting another lump in a chair. It best not be Tim! Jason thought. A small gasp escaped his mouth as he came closer. It was defiantly not Tim, it was Alfred. Who was also asleep. Studying him further he saw dried tear stains that placed themselves down his tan cheeks. Looking up he understood. There stood 2 paintings, one of the Waynes the other of the Graysons. 

In the Waynes sat a women with Blonde hair with green eyes. She was pretty indeed. She wore a simple black dress and heels. Complimenting her clothes was a set of jewelry consisting of a  pearl necklace with a pair of pearl earrings to match. Next to her a tall man looking similar to Bruce. He wore a simple tux with a red bow. His hair was a little more contained compared to Bruces. In the middle of the couple was a small boy. He too wore a simple tux but with a green bow. His eyes like a copy of the older mans. A gentle yet simple set of blue eyes, he too had black hair but it was a little more ruly than his fathers. Bruce.

Bruce had been through a lot and to think now he has 4 boys with equal or more painful pasts than himself. If his parents were there they would be proud with no doubt. Next the the Waynes was a colorful picture that contained the Grayson's.

In their photo was a tall, slender woman with beautiful curly blonde hair and deep teal eyes. She wore a circus suit that contained the colors of red, yellow and green. Much like the robins suit had. Next to her a man in the similar outfit but much taller than her. His hair a raven black and his eyes similar to his wife. And between them a smiling boy. Wearing the similar outfits to his parents, he had crystal blue eyes and fluffy black hair. Richard.

Richard compared to everyone had the worst of pasts. Yeah Jasons parents left him to the streets, Tims killing themselves and Damiens well you know. But Richards, he witnessed what no 8 year old should ever seen. He watched as the ropes broke, and his parents fall to their deaths. Scarring him for the rest of his life. Joker emitted himself that he hated the bird due to never making him break, well emotionally but physically that was different.

Jason slowly brought Damien to his room before walking back down stairs this time with a blanket. Walking over to the butler he placed his blanket over him before looking at the pictures again.

"You best hang on Dick or I'll kill you myself" Jason said his voice breaking a little at the thought of losing his brother.

-Dic- ERROR Renegade's POV-

"Yes Master" The voice said before my eyes snapped open. It was time to meet my master once more. Leaning up, I yanked the cords off my skin making the systems go crazy. Standing up I grabbed my stuff, oddly enough that were ripped before looking back at the screens that were still being loud.

I ran over to the desk grabbing the sword that had been sitting there with a little note.


A little gift for your task at hand


I smiled before throwing explosives at the screens making them explode sending peices of electronics everywhere. Its time to go, go to the darkness. Smiled darkly before bidding goodbye. 

"La revedere acum, Batman!" I said laughing before disappearing into the darkness.


To Be Continued.....

Word Count: 962

HEEEEEYYYY guys lookie I am back and kicking. I hope you love this chapter and if you do please vote and comment! Until tomorrow my little birds.


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