Standard Office Mistrust

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The next few days included some of the best work experiences of Imogene's life. On Wednesday, she ventured to fix a network disconnection problem on sixth, which turned into a lively conversation with an employee about his experiences as a fighter pilot in World War II. On Thursday, she and Moss wiped out a virus that had overtaken the entire company. And on Friday, she managed to beat Jen at Guitar Hero—although Roy and Moss both stressed that this wasn't exactly an accomplishment.

However, even though things were going extremely well in Imogene's mind, Roy's skepticism from earlier soon returned. As he got to know Imogene more and more over the next two weeks, he began to notice a few holes in her story. On her second Friday at the office, he decided to slyly alert Moss of these when Imogene departed to use the restroom.

"Hey, Moss," he said.

"Quiet, Roy," his friend responded without looking away from his computer. "I'm busy."

"Oh, come on! I know you're just playing online Space Invaders."

Moss narrowed his eyes at him. "What is it?"

"I think I might have been right about Imogene."

"What about her?"

"Well—" Roy shifted his position in his seat. "She's supposedly the daughter of Weston Eklund, right? The CEO of Prophecy Electronics?"


"So, why isn't her first IT job at Prophecy Electronics? Why would she get shipped all the way overseas for it?"

"Hold on. Let me put on my slightly larger glasses." Moss pulled a pair out of his desk drawer and put them on. "Alright, now hit me up."

Roy leaned forward over his desk, almost whispering. "Well, it's good that we're getting all this increased funding. But why exactly are we receiving this increased funding? I mean, don't you think it's a bit peculiar that the CEO of a major electronics company sends his daughter—who is quite accomplished with computers, I might add, though she still has a lot to learn—all the way overseas for her first job, and pays our company to take her on? You'd think that it would be much wiser to keep her at Prophecy Electronics so that her father might teach her everything he knows. You really don't need to be shipped all the way to England to get a proper job in IT. I mean, we work in a basement. It's not exactly the opportunity of a lifetime."

Moss looked up at the ceiling to ponder this for a minute. "So you think that Imogene being here at all is a bit fishy?"

"Yes! That's what I'm getting at. I think there's some sort of scheme going on here. It's the only explanation for all these strange goings-on. I mean, she's fine with computers. She learns fast. If I were her father, and I ran that company, I'd think of her as a worthy successor. I definitely wouldn't send her to a foreign country to work in a dingy basement with guys like us. I think that Imogene's father paid us to get her out of his way."

"Why would he want to do that?"

"I don't know, but I'm very willing to find out."

"What are you two talking about?" Jen asked suddenly.

Moss and Roy both jumped.

"Nothing!" Roy said quickly. "Nothing at all! Just chatting."

"Roy thinks Imogene's father made us hire her because he's up to something," Moss blurted out.

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