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"I can't believe you haven't read Harry Potter!"

"I can't believe you haven't seen The Last Starfighter!"

"I saw part of it," Moss insisted. "It's just not my style."

"What are you talking about? It's totally your style! Aliens and spaceships and video games—that's, like, everything you've ever loved."

"Not everything, Imogene. You're forgetting dragons, computers, computer-generated dragons, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster—"

"Okay, so maybe not everything, but I still think you'd totally love it."

It was a nice evening, the perfect evening to walk home instead of drive or take the bus. Imogene liked London nightlife–well, technically mid-afternoon life. She liked how the cloudy grey sky was like a warm, snuggly blanket over the city, and how the cars droned and dragged across the pavement after a long day at work. The city's movement was constant and calming. She'd only been in England two weeks, and she was already in love.

"Well," Moss continued. "If I have to watch The Last Starfighter, then you have to read the entire Harry Potter series."

Imogene laughed. "That's not fair. It'll take me forever!"

"Of course it's fair!" Moss dictated. "It is imperative that you read each book to feel the full effect of the saga. You can't read The Philosopher's Stone and call it a day. You're missing the best part of the story."

"Okay, fine. I'll read it...but on one condition."

"What's that?"

She pointed a finger at him. "Tonight, I'm going to make a list of must-see movies, and you have to watch all of them in the time it takes me to read Harry Potter."

"But films take much less time to finish than books do."

"Not when the list is over a hundred titles long."

Moss's eyes widened. "One hundred titles long?"

"Yep," she said pridefully, sticking her nose in the air.

He shook his head and smiled. "I doubt you can make a list that long. I can't even make a list that long. And I bet Roy couldn't do it either, and he's seen just about everything there is."

"So have I. Try me."

"You'd have to google some."

"Wrong. I swear I won't use Google."

"You'd have to ask someone for assistance."

"Who would I ask?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Oh, alright. It's a deal. You read Harry Potter, I watch films."

He held out his hand and she shook it. He had very nice hands, with fingers that were somewhat nimble but had a secure grip nonetheless. Imogene blushed a little when they pulled away from hers, and hoped Moss didn't notice.

"So where do you live?" she asked him.

"Winchester Street."

"Winchester Street? Where's that?"

"'s a house."

"Oh, you have a house?"

"Not really. It's my mum's house."

Moss glanced at her, expecting the usual look of disgust people gave him when they found out he still lived with his mother, but Imogene didn't bat an eye.

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