Chapter 4

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Just as you were about to attack, you saw a couple of people in white with what you assume to be a gun on their hands and they were aiming for the King. The other Royal Guards didn't notice this immediately since they were all worried about the safety of the King.

All you wanted was to test out your ability and your limit by fighting the King. You didn't really intend to kill him. All you really wanted was to find out that whether or not you were powerful than the King but as much as you want to fight the King, your main priority right now is to protect him. When you saw the people pulled the trigger, you charge towards the King while building up some water in your hand.

Meruem's POV (Though no one knows his name yet)

I watch as Y/n started charging towards me with water forming her hands. I don't know what she was planning but I knew that I was stronger than her. She won't beat me that easily.

Hmph. I wouldn't be called King if I wasn't the most powerful of all Chimera ants and humans!

I just stood there, waiting until she make her attack. I was planning to take her attack just to show her that nothing would be able to damage me but all of the sudden, she disappeared from sight and I widen my eyes a bit. I look around, trying to sense her presence but I couldn't. 

"King-sama!" I heard Pitou screaming in fear and was running towards me.

That's when I heard something from behind me and I turned around. To my surprise, Y/n was standing with her hand out and what it seems like a water barrier that was stopping something.

I then saw bullets made contact with her water and it stop as soon as the water envelopes the bullet. I saw Pouf flying above the water, along with Youpi, and they both ran towards a group of people who were wearing white stop and a mask.

Pitou then went around Y/n's water and charge towards the people, defeating them easily. After all the people were defeated, Y/n touch the water and the water started to merge with her while the bullets fell down the ground. She then turned around to face me.

"You alright there Green tail?" She ask me and I just glared at her, confuse at what she just did.

Doesn't she hate me? Why did she protected me?

"Why?" I ask and she raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean why?" She questions and I glare at her.

"Don't make me repeat myself." I slightly growl and she rolled her eyes.

"Would you understand me right now if I just ask you the question 'why' without even telling me what you are really asking?" She cross her arms while giving me an obvious face on and I grit my teeth while striking her.

It did the same though, her body turned into water and returned back to her normal body. I growl slightly, knowing that I wouldn't be able to kill her when we battle. I also can feel that this isn't the only ability that she can do.

She's strong, but not as strong as me

"Why did you save me?" I finally sigh in defeat but didn't show it and confusion was shown on her eyes but she just shrug it off.

"Why? Hmmm, I don't know why. I just... wanted to test my abilities I guess." She replied while putting her index and thumb finger under her chin. "Besides, I would want to be the one who defeat you."

"As if you can." She shrug at what I just said then turned around.

This girl is weird. Unlike the other three Royal Guards, she's the only one who doesn't follow my orders yet is still trying to protect me. With the other Royal Guards, I could kill them if I really want to but with her, it looks like it's impossible. She's completely on a different level compared from the others. Although I am still much more stronger than her

Am I though?

"I guess you already know this but you can't defeat me either." She tilted her head to the side while sticking her tongue out.

"What an idiot." I commented and she shrug again while giggling.

"A simple thank you would have been great!" She exclaim but I ignored her.

If she's that strong then I must find a way to eliminate her! I will not have someone surpass me!

The three Royal Guards, whom I forgotten the names, returned back to me while kneeling down.

"Forgive us for not noticing the threat King-sama." The female cat apologized.

"Why are you even saying sorry?" Y/n ask and that's when I realise something.

I remember her name...

...maybe because she's way too annoying

Normal POV

After the incident, you, the King and the other three Royal Guards continued your journey to where the King could start ruling a place. Not long after, you all saw a big palace. The five of you entered the palace to see some guards and the first rare human that you have encounter.

"King-sama..." Pitou was about tell the King that the guy that's in front of them was a rare human but she was cut off.

"I know, even if I don't focus on him that much, I could see that he is a rare human. What an appetizing treat." Blood-lust was coming out from the King and you couldn't help but to watch curiously at him, making sure that you remember every little detail that's going to happen.

You then turned your attention towards the rare human he was talking about.

Reader's POV

He's strong, but he's no match for the... for the King. Heck he might not even defeat the weakest one in the Royal Guards. Well... whoever may be the weakest in all of us. I should have a battle with everyone!

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