Youre okay

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Tell me I'm okay when my [ex] best friend comes back
Tell me I'm okay when my [ex] best friend says sorry
Tell me I'm okay when Aidan stops harassing my friends and I
Tell me I'm okay when Aidan stops making sexist racist and homophobic jokes
Tell me I'm okay when Travis acknowledges my existence
Tell me I'm okay when Travis gives me an explanation
Tell me I'm okay when I get someone who can just be sentimental in the moment
Tell me I'm okay when my mom is even a little happy
Tell me I'm okay when my dad is even a little happy
Tell me I'm okay when my family has a good holiday
Tell me I'm okay when my mom cares
Tell me I'm okay when my dad stops caring too much
Tell me I'm okay when my mom takes a look at herself
Tell me I'm okay when my dad takes a look at himself
Tell me I'm okay when school stops stressing me out so much
Tell me I'm okay when my teachers aren't disappointed in me
Tell me I'm okay when my family isn't disappointed in me
Tell me I'm okay when I gain some talent
Tell me I'm okay when I no longer lay here in my bed either numb or sobbing
Tell me I'm okay when I'm no longer sitting doing nothing all day because that's all I feel capable of doing
Tell me I'm okay when I can wake up happy
Tell me I'm okay when it's a reasonable thing to say.

Meredith's Thoughts Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now