Chapter 10

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Niall's P.O.V 

"I am him
He is me
We are one
But should be two

I am blind, he can see
I am different, he is dangeroud
I see the surface, he sees through
I plan ahead, he acts on a whim

Two souls, one body
Fighting for command
I am losing
He is winning

I am making my stand
Now I am choosing
The air is dinning
My stand was shoddy

He has won
My consciousness is fading
My time here is done
His soul stands all pervading" 

All the evil seeking and I have no escape now. I try with all my might but I always lose so what's the point of trying. There's no way out of this and I fear for what happens next. I turned weak under thier control. I turned into somebody I'm not and it's a horirble feeling that I feel everytime it happens. I never thought I would be going through this and not one to be helping me out because I'm alone and always will be with only the horrible voices inside my head telling me awful things. There's no escape for this.


I paced back and forth trying to get the voices out of my head but nothing works. This past week have been a hell for me. I close my eyes and sigh once I hear the door open to reveal Dr. Harmon stepping inside the darken room. I now have my sessions in my room instead of his office.

"It's safer like that", he told me once.

Everyone in this god damn buiding is afraid of me now. They think it's dangerous for me to be around people so they lock me up in my room every single day. Don't they know that's how I go all insane. It's gotten worse, I see new figures lurking in the dark and the voices in my head never leave me alone now. My life is a living hell with no escape.  Everytime I try to escape, they always seem to be coming back. I have gave up and let them take control of my body. What's the point anyway? Everyone's afraid of me now and I can't blame them because I'm afraid of myself too.

"Hello Niall, how are you today", Dr. Harmon asked.

"The usual, I feel like my life is hell", I shrugged.

Dr. Harmon nods and sits in a chair looking straight at me. I stared back and notice a figure standing right behind him. I can't see it properly but I feel a bad vibe around the room.

"Niall, I heard you killed another nurse yesterday", Dr. Harmon said.

"I kill people I like", I stated.

"Niall theses voices inside your head, what are they saying to you", Dr. Harmon asked.

I close my eyes and hear the whispers in my head. They harshly told me off for letting Dr. Harmon get in my head and know how I feel. I push those aside and listen to the important things they were telling me.

"Your a psychopath Niall"

"Kill everybody Niall"

"They are saying to kill everybody. There's also someone behind you but I doubt it that you will see it", I smirk at his reaction.

"Niall what happened to never giving in. You are giving them the power to take over control of you. Your not the same", Dr. Harmon stated.

"If you look at the face of evil, evil is going to look right back at you. That's what I did and now I can't help it. I like killing people because I feel like I'm doing them a favor. Well that's what the voices are saying to me. I'm just a helpless boy that can't even control his own body anymore", I sighed.

Dr. Harmon nods telling me to continue on.

"It's all a nightmare and I can't wake up", I sighed.

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