Chapter 13

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Niall's P.O.V

"What if this evil took you as it’s own and you become owned by it.
You try to move and talk but every move you make and every breath you take along with every word you try to speak is not of your own doing.

For you are now not the controller of your own body, and mind, your every thought your every movement of your limbs is controlled by the entity within you.

As you look into the mirror there you stare deep within it.  
So deep that you can see the things it makes you do.
You hear the disgusting defile things that spit out from your lips.

You watch an empty shell become it’s puppet doing with you as it desires doing the will of evil.  
Is this the life you wanted the power you thought you were going to have.
No control, no mind of your own.

You are trapped within this evil with no way out.  
No one can help you, no one can see you are not yourself anymore, your friends and your family no longer recognize you.

They stare at you like a stranger.  And you as you sub come to the evil.
You began to scream for their help, no hears you.
Why would you make a choice to have power you cannot control.
When you open the door to evil you become the controlled it becomes the controller.  
You become a shell of a being watching while it does what it wants with you.
While it makes you say and do things beyond your control.
Be careful sometimes what you wish for, it does come true"

I'm tired of killing people.

It has been a week since the incident and I can't help but feel bad. I've seen how Lucy acts now and she seems afraid and lost. She's probably thinking she's insane but I can't tell her the truth. It will just frighten her more and I don't want that. She interests me and I can't help it anymore. There's something about her that makes me wants me to know her. I feel like she feels the same thing but I know it's dangerous to get close to her.

"Niall, Dr. Harmon is here", Liam said out of nowhere.

I jump from his voice and see him behind me trying to not crack a smile.

"How long did I spaced out for", I asked.

"For quite a while now, now get up. It's time for your appointment", Liam sternly said.

I got up avoiding the people's terrified stares. I have a feeling they know what's inside me and that frightens me. They could kill me if they know, this society would do anything to kill a possessed person. It's not my fault I'm like this, I didn't choose my life to be like this. I didn't even knew I was possessed by a fucken demon.

"You know, I still wonder why you stayed after I told you about me", I said while walking the long hallway back to my room.

I spy from the corner of my eye, Lucy standing there watching my every move. Liam scoffs and I turn his way forgotting what I told him. We passed rooms with screaming patients and I shudder.

"It's my job to stay with you but to be honest, you don't seem psychotic.", Liam said.

"I killed my mom's boyfriend Liam. That's when the voices in my head started and later on I realized that I killed people. I honesty thought I was psychotic first but then I realized all the strange things happening to me. Who knew I was possessed by a fucken demon", I whispered-shout to Liam.

He nods opening my room door and I get in slowly seeing Dr. Harmon already there. I sigh and Liam closes the door leaving me alone with Dr. Harmon. I pace back and forth clearing my head. I have a bad feeling about this session.

"Niall I've heard some things this week. Is the story that Lucy told me true?", Dr. Harmon asked.

"Ahh so she told you huh", I said sitting on my bed.

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