Felicity's Discovery

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Barry's P.O.V
It was the morning after I talked to the Warbler's. Since Oliver stayed the night, I woke up to his arms wrapped around my waist. I turned to see him looking at me.

"Hey Oliver." I smiled as I saw his face. He smiled almost instantly.

"Hey!" he said as he got up. He pulled me out of the bed and started to drag me around my apartment. Yes, I have my own apartment. I decided to get it because I thought it was about time I get my own place.

"Go sit down, I'll make breakfast." I sat down on the couch and turned the T.V. on. The morning cartoons were on and I decided to watch Oliver make breakfast. I see him look up at me and smile. I'm so happy he actually liked me back. I would've been crushed if he hadn't.

"Breakfast is done." Oliver made two plates and brought them to the couch. I grabbed my plate and started eating. We finished about the same time. I got dressed with my speed and waited for Oliver to get dressed. We both needed to go to Star Labs. Well I needed to go, Oliver was just going to tag along. We got on Oliver's motorcycle and took off to Star Labs.

We arrive in about 15 minutes. I don't live far away from Star Labs. We both headed inside the building when I froze. Oliver stopped and turned.

"Is there something wrong Barry?"

"Oliver are we going to tell them right away?"

"Not if you don't want too."

"Can we wait a little bit to tell them."

"Sure Bar, whatever you want to do." I smiled and hugged him. We walked into the Cortex (Forgot the name for their area.) to see Iris, Felicity, Caitlin, Diggle, Cisco, and Joe. Since Oliver is in town, so was Team Arrow. They all turn to see me and Oliver enter the room.

"Hey guys whats up?" Cisco asked.

"Nothing much, is there any meta-human activity?" I was hoping to get some Flash action today.

"Not really, no crime has been committed today." Caitlin says right behind me. I jumped because it scared me. Like how did she even get there so fast.


"Hey Felicity, can you search up the Dalton Warbler's?" I turned wide-eyed to Oliver who asked her. What is he doing?!

"Yea sure give me a minute." I see Oliver turn to me and smirk. I see Felicity type away at the keyboard. I got really nervous.

"Okay found it. OMG!"

"What is it Felicity?" Iris and Caitlin ask at the same time while looking over her shoulder. I hear them gasp and turn to me. I froze in my spot.

"Barry, I didn't know you were in a glee club." Iris said smirking.

"This i have got to see." Cisco said. Felicity put the video up on the screen. I recognized it instantly. It was 'Live While Were Young' when Hunter was captain. They watched the video. (See video in media.) They all turned to me.

"I can explain!"

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