Oliver Gets Jealous?!

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Barry's P.O.V
So recently I have been hanging out with the Warblers. I mean, I haven't seen them in years so it is kind of apparent that I would hang out with them. Wes has been a little close to me lately though. I think its because he missed me. They all missed me. I got all my stuff together and headed for the apartment door when I heard a voice.

"Bar, Where are you going?" I turn to see Oliver rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep in them.

"I'm going to go hang out with the Warblers." I could hear him growl but decided to ignore it.

"I'll see you later Babe. Bye!" I rushed out of the apartment as soon as I could.

Oliver's P.O.V
I was started to get a little mad at Barry. I mean I understand that its his friends and her has every right to hang out with them, but still. I feel like I'm getting left behind. I mean he didn't even give me a goodbye kiss like usual.

Not to mention he has been hanging around that Wes guy lately. Something about him pushes my buttons and I can't place the way he makes me feel. I feel like I wanna kill him of he gets near Barry.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt to head to S.T.A.R Labs . I usually go there when I'm in the city to see if they need any help. You never know in a city like this. Someone is always trying to commit some crime. I walked into the Cortex to see Cisco, Caitlin, Harry, Diggle, and Felicity. I'm assuming that Thea and Roy are off doing something and that Iris and Joe are doing their jobs.

"Hey Guys." Felicity jumped in her seat next to Caitlin.

"Hey Oliver, where's Barry?" I scowled at the question.

"With his high school friends." I turned to face away from her.

"Aw is the Arrow jealous?" Cisco said while laughing. He shut up when I glared at him.

"Well someone doesn't have a sense of humor." He walked out of the room with Harry talking about something.

"Oliver, there is no shame in being jealous. Everyone gets jealous at some point. I even have." Caitlin blushed when she thought about it.

"Really? The Caitlin Snow? I have to hear this story." Felicity leaned in closer while Diggle stood next to me.

"Well, when Ronnie was still alive, we worked here together. He worked along side this brunette girl named Jessica. We were just dating at the time. Well, I thought she was getting a little to close to Ronnie since nobody but Cisco had known at that point. Well I over reacted and may have poured a Big Belly Burger drink over her head. I felt bad for and apologized about it the next day because she only thought of Ronnie as a brother." She was blushing in embarrassment. Me and Diggle were shocked at what Caitlin did while Felicity was dying of laughter.

"Wow, Caitlin...I didn't know you had that in you." After that, We looked to if there was any come around. Only one bank robbery which was easy to handle. I went to mine and Barry's apartment and waited for him to come home. When I heard the doorknob move I stood at the door.

"Hey Ollie I-," He never got to finished because I pushed him against him the door when I closed. I kissed him with so much passion. He kissed back after he got over the surprise. We separated when we both needed air.

"Wow, Ollie. What was that for?" I looked away.

"I was jealous. Thought I would make it up to you." Barry started laughing at me which made me embarrassed.

"Wow Ollie. Didn't know you could get jealous. How are you gonna make it up to me?" I smirked at him and pulled him to the bedroom. That sentence alone should tell you what we did.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while and I'm sorry. Had writers block for a while. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Love you guys! Vote and Comment!

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