Identity Revealed?!

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Barry's P.O.V
When I saw Hunter's face, I froze. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Oliver tensed up. Why would Hunter stoop to this low of committing a crime just to get me? I mean I knew he was pretty screwed up in the head, but not this much.

"You know its not good to take hostages." I say after getting over the shock.

"I know but how else would I get Sebastian's attention."

"Did you ever think he just doesn't like you." Oliver was getting upset. I could tell it in his voice.

"Now that just a lie isn't it Flash...or should I say Sebastian." My body went rigid. How did he find out? I'm good at keeping it a secret. How?

"Hunter that is just nonsense. Fivel is not the Flash. Maybe those drugs did go to your head." I never really liked Santana but will she shut up before she gets herself killed. I know she doesn't know but Hunter is unstable.

"Now that is where you all are wrong. Sebastian here is the Flash. Think about this. Has everyone noticed how when the Flash is here, Sebastian just sees to disappear?" Everyone thought for a second before looking at me.

"Is it true Flash? Are you really Sebastian?" I cringed internally at how Blaine was looking at me. Blaine could give you a look and it makes you feel guilty instantly.

"Why would you do this Hunter? I told you I didn't like you anymore. Move on." I said while taking the mask off. Everyone in the room knows, might as well not keep it a secret anymore. When it came off, you could hear all the gasps. Even Santana's.

"I did tell you Seb. You are mine and I will show you that."I could feel anger start to rise in me. I'm not a damn object.

"And I told you I didn't like you anymore. Why can't you get that through your thick head?" He made me wanna punch the smirk right off his face. I could tell that I had him distracted because Oliver had moved to the side unnoticed. If I kept this up, we will be able to stop Hunter.

"Because you will always be mine. Plus I came back for you and I'm never gonna let you go. You belong to me and always will."

"First of all, I'm not an object you can claim. I'm a human being and should be treated as such. Second, don't be to sure you will get away. OLIVER NOW!" I accidentally revealed his identity but right now I wasn't thinking about it. Before Hunter could react, he was shot with an arrow in his leg that was coated with some kind of tranquilizer stuff on it. He fell to the ground and passed out.

"I called Joe and he is on his way. We will talk about you revealing my identity later." I nodded then was hit with a strong force. Once I got my balance, I saw it was Rachel hugging me. I hugged her back.

"Seb, your okay!" I could feel her tears on my chest. She pulled away once she stopped crying. Then I realized both glee clubs were looking at me.

Oops, now I have to explain this. You could hear the sirens outside meaning Joe got here.

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