Bumping into the New Directions!?

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Dedicated to @santarka_ for such a nice comment in the last chapter! Love you guys!
Barry's P.O.V
Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, and I decided to talk and have coffee together. It was really nice to finally apologize to Rachel after all this time. I regret everything I did to the New Directions. Well everyone except Satan. I want to apologize to all of them. Even if they don't forgive me.

"Hey Sebastian, you wanna go for a walk. Just the two of us since Klaine needs to go do something apparently?"

"Sure Rachel. Bye Blaine. Bye Kurt." Rachel and I waved goodbye as we left Jitters. We walked for a good 15 minutes before coming across Central City Park. I must love this park since I'm here a lot.

"So Sebastian, what do you do now?"

"I'm a CSI for the CCPD." I chuckled at her shocked face.

"Wow. I thought you would have gone to Broadway or something that has to do with singing."

"Sorry to disappoint. I have always had a love for science. Even before I went to Ohio."

"Man where were you when I had science class." She was laughing at herself. I laughed along because it was funny.

"So what do you do Miss Berry?" I said in a British accent. She giggled but when along with it.

"Well Mr Allen, I went to NYADA and then went to Broadway." She said in her best British accent. We burst out laughing, laughing so hard our ribs hurt. We kept laughing till we heard someones voice.

"Hey Rach, who you talking to?" I froze in my place. I knew that voice. It was Finn. I saw Rachel side glance me not knowing what to do. I sighed and gave her a signal to go ahead.

"Guys, don't get mad okay. He's cool." They looked confused at her words. I turned around shyly. They all gasped when they saw me.

"Guys, Meet Barry Allen or as we know him Sebastian Smythe." They looked shocked to see me. I mean you haven't seen a person who tormented you through high-school. What would you expect them to do.

"Rachel, why are you with Smythe?" I could tell they were kinda upset. I understand why they are. I looked ashamed and guilty. I regret everything. I bet if they looked at me they could feel my regret radiating of me.

"Finn, just hear him out. I think you should listen. I forgave him because I knew there was some good in him and there is. He regrets everything and I wish we could have known him better in high-school." They looked at me with curious looks. It made me feel uncomfortable under all the stares.

"Okay Smythe, explain. I would really like to here this." I explained everything I told Rachel to them. Well except for the coma part. If they ask i'll tell them. Once I was done they looked kinda sad. I hope they don't feel pity because i really don't want that.

"Wow, Sebastian I'm sorry. If we would have known." They looked like it was their fault. It wasn't though.

"If anyone should be sorry its me. I'm sorry for everything I did to y'all in high-school. I never wanted to bully ya. I guess I just didn't realize what I was doing. I'm very sorry." They all said it was okay. They also said they forgive me but won't be able to trust me yet and I said I completely understand. I guess if Finn and Rachel approved, the rest of them did. I didn't Satan there though. I wonder where she is.

"So, I have one question for Smythe." It was Puck who spoke up.

"What is it?"

"Are you really gay or was it a joke?" I chuckled a little. I guess they were really curious.

"No, I really am gay." They all looked relieved. That's weird.

"So Seb, who is the lucky man you scored?" Rachel elbowed me in the ribs lightly. They looked liked they all wanted to know.

"Well I guess I have to tell you anyways. They girls will probably force it out of me at one point. You all probably know him though. He is a very well know man. I'm dating Oliver Queen." It was so quiet you could her a pin drop. They looked like they just had a stroke.

"Damn Smythe, didn't know you could score a man like that." I blushed in embarrassment.

"Guys you made him blush." Mercedes made it worse. I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out to see texts from Joe and Eddie telling me to get to the station. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up.

"Well I have to get to the CCPD. I'll see you guys later okay?" I waved goodbye as I took of towards the Police Station. Maybe this won't be so bad.

A/N: Yes Finn is alive. And yes they Directions forgive him. Will they ever meet Oliver? Will they ever find out about him being the Flash? Keep reading to find out. Love you guys.

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