Oliver meets The New Directions

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Barry's P.O.V
When I got to the station, Joe asked me to run the rest of the test for a case we were working on. I thought it was weird because I had already given to him. When I went to say something, he pointed up the stairs and said go. I didn't question it even though I know he knows I already finished them.

When I got to my lab, I saw the person I have been wanting to see all day. There stood Oliver, with a dozen roses. I was so shocked that I didn't even see him move across the lab. He kissed me on the lips, which was what broke me out of shock. I gave him the biggest hug I could muster. It wasn't much but hey, I tried. He hugged me back which brought me joy.

"Oliver, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to visit my boyfriend. Is that a crime?"

"Not at all. I thought you would have been at S.T.A.R Labs though."

"Nah. Plus Felicity and Iris are gossiping about us dating. I didn't really want to stick around and be interrogated by them."

"The thought of what they could be talking about is terrifying." I shuddered. Oliver just chuckled at the thought. Sometimes I think he is crazy because he doesn't really have normal human reactions sometimes. Kind of creeps me out but I love him.

"Hey Bar, wanna go to Jitters? Maybe get an Iced Flash?" I blushed really hard. I'm pretty sure someone would think I would blow with how red my face is. Oliver burst out laughing at me. He knew about what Leonard Snart said because it was before we were dating.

"Sure." We walked down the stairs and saw Joe watching us. I waved him goodbye and walked out. It was a nice walk to Jitters. Oliver and I were talking about us and our teams. By the time we got to Jitters, I was thirsty. It was a decent walk from the station to here. I went and sat down while Oliver got us two Iced Flashes. It was going well till I heard my name called.

"Sebastian!" I turned to see Rachel and the New Directions. I was surprised to see them here. I waved at her and she walked over. She hugged me real quick.

"Barry, who is this?"

"Oh Oliver, This is Rachel. The group behind her is the New Directions." I introduced them by their names.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Oliver was really nice. He already knew who the New Directions were because of what I told him. He was really supportive and he makes the perfect boyfriend.

"So you weren't lying Seb." Rachel smirked at my blush.

"No I wasn't. Sorry to disappoint." I chuckled with Oliver. We sat and talked for a little bit till they asked me a serious question.

"Hey Seb, are you gonna be singing at the showcase?" I stopped and looked at Rachel. She looked at me with curious eyes. They look like puppy dog eyes.

"I'm thinking about it. I'm not sure yet."

"I think you should. It wouldn't be a rival showcase without the famous Sebastian Smythe." She giggled. I laughed at the way she said that.

"I'll think about it Rachel. I'm really considering it." I could feel judging eyes bore into the back of my head. I turned to see Satan sitting there glaring at me. I just ignored her because she really wasn't worth my time at the moment.

"Well it was nice meeting y'all but Barry, we need to head out."

"Why?" I could tell the New Directions were curious.

"You know that other job we have." Realization hit me.

"Oh, I forgot. Yea we need to go. Hey I will see you guys soon okay?" I said while grabbing my stuff. I waved at them while me and Oliver were heading towards the door.

"Okay Seb. See you later." Oliver and I rushed out of there. I could tell Rachel was curious. She always has been. Its in her nature to be. I hope they don't find out about me being the Flash. I don't want any of them to be in danger, even Satan.

A/N: Hey hope you enjoyed the chapter guys. Remember to go to the voting poll in Secret Popstar to comment what book you would like for me to start on next. The Sterek one shot book is in motion right now but you can leave a suggestion for a one shot in the Sterek book. Please vote for the book that you would like me to start working on. Love you guys.

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