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Barry's P.O.V
So after a long explanation, the Glee clubs were all happy I was okay. Santana even hugged me which almost gave me a heart attack. I ended up going to the concert the day after to participate and I actually had fun. More than I thought I would have. Though I got an earful from Iris because I kept it secret from her for so long. Oliver refused to leave my side for a week after the whole thing because he was just that over protective.

Its about two weeks after the concert and Oliver is acting weird. I don't know whats going on but I like it. He's being more affectionate than usual. I'm actually getting ready for a date he asked me on today. Like two hours ago he asked if we could go on a date. I rushed to find the perfect outfit for it. I even messaged Felicity, Caitlin, and Iris for there opinions as well. Once I got the perfect outfit, I looked at the clock. I had 15 minutes to get ready. I flashed and got dressed. I'm wearing this.

I was waiting for Oliver to come pick me up since he went back to Star City a couple days ago to do some Arrow stuff but he should be arriving any second

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I was waiting for Oliver to come pick me up since he went back to Star City a couple days ago to do some Arrow stuff but he should be arriving any second. I hear a knock and opened the door. I looked at Oliver's outfit and was turned on. Wow he looked hot.

"You ready Bear?" I nodded and we left

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"You ready Bear?" I nodded and we left. 20 minutes later we arrived at the secret park me and Oliver discovered a while back.

"Wow Oliver

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"Wow Oliver. Its so amazing." I didn't hear him respond so I looked over and gasped. Oliver was kneeled down on one knee with a ring out.

"Barry, we have been together for eight months and I know I want to be with you forever. We have been through so much together. Whether it be happy or sad. You have made me a better person as well. So Bartholomew Sebastian Smythe Allen, will you do the honor of marrying me?" I yanked it up by his collar and kissed him so hard. I pulled back so I could hug him.

"Yes Oliver. I will marry you." He slipped the ring on my finger. I was so happy at the moment that nothing mattered in that moment. When Felicity and Iris found out, the flipped out and started to ask if they could be bridesmaids for me. Hell even Thea asked. Caitlin just said congratulations. Everyone else was excited as well. Rachel flipped and demanded that she was the maid of honor which I was planing on asking her anyways. Iris wasn't upset I didn't ask her. She was just happy that it was happening. Oliver and I lived the rest of our lives together and even adopted a little girl we named Nora Moira Queen. I could never ask for a better life.

A/N: So this is the end of this book. Sad I know. I hoped you enjoyed the book because I enjoyed writing it for you guys. I thank you guys for all the support you gave this book and I love you guys. Remember I have another book called Voting Poll. Go vote for a book you want me to start on there. Love you guys.

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