Satan at CCPD?!

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Barry's P.O.V
I woke up the next day to see I was about to be late to work. I rushed through my room at flash speed to get dressed. Once I finally got dressed, I look over to see Oliver waking up. I must have woken him up when I was rushing.

"Bar, what are you doing?" Oliver rubbed his eyes to wake himself up.

"Rushing to get ready for work. Well I need to get going or I'm gonna be late. Well more than usual." I kissed Oliver in the forehead.

"I'll bring you lunch okay Barry. That way we can eat together." I said okay then ran out the door. I got to the station just before I was late.

"Bar, you got here just in time. Can't wait to see the look on the Captain's face." Joe said as he patted me on the back.

"Mr. Allen your on time. This is a first." Captain Singh said with a shocked face. I could hear Joe chuckling behind me. This must be very amusing to him.

"Well I defiantly know that this won't be an everyday occurrence." Joe said while laughing. I shook my head and headed to my Lab.


I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't even hear Oliver enter the lab. So when he tapped me on the shoulder, I jumped. I look behind me to see Oliver trying to hold in a laugh. I scowled because I could tell he was failing.

"What are you doing here Oliver?"

"Bar, its lunchtime. I told you I was coming." I looked at the clock to see that he was right. It was 12:00.

"Sorry must have let time escape me. I guess I was really focused."

"Its okay, lets just eat okay." We ate Big Belly Burger. Man I loved their food. I took us about 30 minutes to eat our meal fully. We talked about Arrow and Flash business but also talked about us. Once I was done I decided to go see Joe. As I got down to the bottom step, I froze. There at Eddie's desk, stood Santana Lopez. (Yes, Eddie is still alive.) I couldn't let her see me. I tried to hide my face but I guess she noticed me anyways.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." I heard her say. I looked to see her looking at me smirking. I sighed in defeat. There was no way I was getting out of this.

"Well, if it isn't the Fivel. Never thought I would see your ugly face again." Oliver came down just in time to hear her say that. I wasn't really offended by it.

"Well, if it isn't Satan. What are you doing here in Central City?" I could hear Iris gasp when I said that. I looked to see Iris, Oliver, Eddie, and Joe with shocked faces. I knew they would intervene if they needed to. I turned to see Santana glaring at me.

"I'm here for the Showcase between the New Directions and the Warblers. What are you doing here?"

"I work as a CSI for the Police Department. Why do I bug you that much."

"I wish I could strangle you. But I will just do this instead." I moved out of the way right as she threw a slushie at me. I laughed at her attempt.

"You are gonna have to try harder than that She-queera." I saw her get madder at me. I could tell my family is surprised that I would talk like this.

"That's it." Santana tried to jump me. I moved out of the way just in time. That gave Eddie enough time to grab her.

"Ma'am you need to calm down." Eddie said.

"Not till I hit him. I'll get you Sebastian Smythe." She yelled as she was escorted out of the station. I finally snapped out of my state and fell to my knees. Oliver was by my side in an instant.

"Barry, are you okay" Iris ran to my side to. I could tell he was worried about me.

"What just happened?" Iris and Oliver just chuckled.

"You just told that girl off. Who was that anyways?"

"Her name is Santana Lopez. She was part of the rival glee club, The New Directions. I guess when I saw her, my inner Sebastian Smythe came out. Santana and I are enemies. We have always hated each other. We always fight and I guess I couldn't resist getting under her skin. Sorry y'all had to witness that. I wish you didn't have to." I turned away because I didn't want to the their faces. All of the sudden I heard laughing. I turned to see Iris holding onto her stomach. Eddie looked worried that she was gonna hurt herself. She finally calmed down after a few seconds.

"Barry, that was awesome. I've never seen you do that. That just made my day. I'm proud that you stood up for yourself." She said through laughing.

"Thanks I guess."

"Well time to get back to work everyone." Joe said. Oliver followed me back up the stairs.

"That was great Bar." Yea, that made feel better. I think I'm gonna do the showcase with the Warblers. Maybe this is what I need. Now to get done here so I can head to S.T.A.R Labs.

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