Oliver's Enjoyment

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Barry's P.O.V
"I can explain!" I yelled out while putting my hands up. I could hear Oliver chuckling at my embarrassed face. I'm not embarrassed, but well it wasn't his secret to tell. I could see everyone staring at me. That was when Joe decided to make an appearance. He saw my face and shook his head.

"What did Barry do this time?" Felicity showed him the video. He looked up at me shocked before smirking.

"I've got to hear this." He looked at me waiting. I laughed nervously while rubbing my neck.

"Okay, I was in a Glee Club but I wasn't even that good." I heard Iris scoff.

"You weren't that good my ass. Barry, you were amazing. I didn't even know you could sing or dance. Why didn't you ever tell me?" She basically yelled.

"Yea, Barry lets hear it?" Cisco was smirking because he was enjoying this. I could hear Oliver laughing now. I was kinda mad at him right now. More like he won't be getting kisses for a while.

"I did something really bad and was trying to hide it from y'all. I apologized for it but I'm ashamed of myself." Oliver knew what I was talking about. I told him earlier this morning because he asked. He said I was a good person because I could admit when I was wrong.

"Barry it couldn't be that bad." Iris looked away because she believed I couldn't hurt a fly.

"It is when you almost blind someone." I flinched when I heard Joe stand abruptly.

"You did what?! Barry what is wrong with you?" He raised his voice a little with each word.

"I apologized for it because I felt really bad. I did help him and his boyfriend get together. They even got married, well I think they did." Joe took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Well at least you apologized. Now is there anymore videos Felicity." I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand. I will never live this down, especially from the girls and Cisco. They had a marathon of watching my old Glee Cub videos.

I heard Oliver laughing at me. I elbowed him in the side. He kept laughing though. This man thought this was funny. He will see how funny it is when he doesn't get any kisses. Knowing me, I will break soon but that doesn't mean I won't try.

"Babe, I'm sorry." We continued talking to each other not noticing a blonde-head tech genius staring at us.

Giving partial credit to FanFicEmmaM  because I used this from her! I never would have thought about it that way but she deserves the credit! Thanks!

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Giving partial credit to FanFicEmmaM because I used this from her! I never would have thought about it that way but she deserves the credit! Thanks!

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