Olivarry Date Ruined By Who?!

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Barry's P.O.V
Today, Ollie and I are going on a date. Our official first date. I was excited because he said he was gonna surprise me. To be honest after I went on a no kiss probation for Oliver, I broke after a day. It was not my fault tho. He thought it would clever to tease me by wearing his arrow suit around. I couldn't take it. Sorry for getting off topic. All Oliver told me was to wear something nice. So I decided to wear this.

I waited for an hour till I heard a knock on my door

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I waited for an hour till I heard a knock on my door. I opened to see what he was wearing.

It was absolutely sexy on him

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It was absolutely sexy on him. I may not make it through the date without fainting because of his hotness. I must have zoned out because Oliver was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Barry, are you okay?" He was concerned.

"Yea, sorry I zoned out for a second. Wow, you look great." He chuckled.

"You do too, Barry. Ready to go?" I nodded my head and locked my door behind me. We got to the front of the building to see his motorcycle. Figures he would bring this. I got on and held onto his waist. We pulled up to this fancy restaurant. I looked at it in awe.

"What did you think I was taking you to Jitters?"

"No but Wow. I didn't know this was in Central City."

"That's because you go to Jitters all the time." He grabbed my hand and walked me inside. The waiter saw us and directed us to our seats. Once we were seated he took our order and left. We both got burgers and fries because I really wanted them. I know, your at a fancy restaurant, why order that. I'm not one to try new things but I had a craving for them.

We finished and Oliver paid the bill. I told him I would pay some but he insisted. I knew I wasn't going to win so I gave up after a few more tries. We walked for a little bit then ended in the same park where we had out first kiss. We goofed off for a little while. I hid while he tried to find me. I know, childish right? I didn't care because we were having a great time. I'm happy that we got together because if we hadn't, I don't know what I would do.

Once he found me, he tackled me to the ground. I laughed as he rolled on top of me. He started to tickle my sides which just made me laugh harder. Once he stopped, he looked into my eyes. I started at him for a minute.

"What is it Oliver?"

"Nothing, I just can't get over how cute and adorable you are." I blushed at that.

"Don't say that stuff, its embarrassing." I hit his chest softly. He chuckled then kissed me hard. I kissed him back just has hard. It was a minute before we separated and got up. He hugged me tightly and the kissed my head. It just made me blush even harder.

"Let's head back." Oliver grabbed my hand and walked me back to the motorcycle.

"Nothing could ruin this date." I said and I looked into his eyes. As we were about to get on the bike, I heard a voice that made me freeze.

"Hey Babe!" A voice said behind us. I froze because I knew that voice. I slowly turned to see someone who made my blood boil. Standing there smirking with pride, was my ex.

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