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"Chewie,Ben we need to go!" Rey yelled from inside the falcon entrance.

Chewie shot a few more times at the troopers and dragged ben.

"Let go of me." Ben growled

Chewie throws ben inside the falcon and runs to the control room.

The lift rises into the air. Rey watches as the storm troopers head back to their quarters.

"Ben. Are you alright?" Rey asked watching ben groan on the floor.

Ben jerked and saw her witnessing his weak side.

"Uh. Yes. I am fine."

Rey looked at him up and down.

"Are you sure. You just came back from deflecting hundreds of blasters. Are you sure you're not wounded?"

Ben didn't respond. He looked up and examined how much the falcon has changed.

"Seems like he didn't care about his thing."

Rey narrowed her eyebrows.

"My father. Just look at this thing. It's junk. The wallpapers aren't pure silk white anymore. The handles aren't silver they're chipped. There's so many things that are different from what I remember when I was just a young boy."

Rey stood quiet.
" remember the last time you were here?"

"Before the Jedi academy. That was the last time I stepped foot in here. I always felt like this thing was more important to my father than I was."

"That's not right."

"I know it's not." Ben exhaled,walking down the hall.

Rey followed as she felt being lead to the lounge area.

"This..." ben swiped the dust off the seat.

"This is where I would sit whenever I felt alone. Whole Chewie and my father were back there doing their thing I would sit here and cry. Just hearing the sounds of battle and my father angry echoing through the walls."

"Where was your mother?"

Ben sat down wincing.
"At home. I don't remember. This was a way for my father to get away for her when they were arguing. They always had different opinions about every topic. Including me."

Rey put her hand over bens.
"I feel your pain. The feelings of being alone and feeling like nobody. I feel it too ben."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Grrrr." A growl echoed.

Rey ran up to him.

"Thank you for coming. We were in much danger out there."

Chewie nodded and focused on the monster behind her. He roared at ben.

"Stop stop. He's with us now. He's good. There's light in him now chew."

Chewbacca whined throwing his head down.

"Just give him a chance. Re-unite with him. Treat him the way you did when he was a child...for me."

Chewie tilted his head left and right gesturing an agreement to Rey's request.

He went up to ben and stopped inches in front of him.

"What do you want."

He opened his arms and embraced him.

Ben rubbed his back and looked at rey.

"Get him off of me."

"Ok Chewie that's enough...remember baby steps." She laughed.

Chewbacca let go and stomped back to the control room like a child.

"Are you ok?" Rey laughed.

"Only mentally."

"Oh please. Be happy for once."

"Who said I wasn't..." Ben snapped back.

Rey raised an eyebrow.
"Well you never seem to show it."

"Then feel it. You know you can."

But I want to see it also. I want to see how ben was before he was thrown away. He's back now so take advantage of it.

"Rey it's not that easy. You end of forgetting who you truly are when you've been masked for so long."

"Well hopefully I can change that." Rey whispered.

The lights dimmed. Both looked up confused.

Rey shrugged
"Maybe Chewbacca's going to sleep."

He roared.

"I guess not." Ben smirked.

" look just like your father when you do that." Rey sighed.

Ben looked away wiping a tear from his cheek.


There was No response.

"Look at me."

"I never hated in. I didn't hate him...."

"I know."

"You know why I had to kill him."

"Yes. Yes I do."

"I've done many bad things in my life. I just don't get why you're so forgiving. I could never be like that." Ben said

"Sometimes you have to give people second chances. Even though they're the same person they can still help themselves and change the way they do and realize the most important things. Forgiveness can be an eye opener. You see the same person but with different eyes."

Ben glared at her. Not breaking any eye contact. The room got quiet to the point where they both can hear each other's breaths hitting their soft skin.

"Do you still see me as a monster?"

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