fitting in

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like shadows, mirrors,

we impersonate them just

so we can fit in.


let's just face the fact,

that we want to be part of the pack,

to fit in to society's extreme requirements,

only to try so hard to have done such little achievements.

those stick thin models seem so flawless,

oh how they motivate us to try fitness,

to go to the gyms for workouts,

but a week later, to find that it didn't work out.

we try to go on countless diets,

to push our bodies to the limits,

to only have salad for brunch

and low carb meals for lunch,

maybe even skipping dinner

perhaps to wish you'll get skinnier,

it's only in the matter of days,

before time diagnoses you with an eating disorder.

let's just say, that you've achieved your ideal body type,

those stick thin bodies you've always admired,

to be in that stereotype,

but for how long are you going to maintain in that body before you're expired?

the cosmetic industry is blooming,

because of us who are dreaming,

to all look like each other's clones,

but how can there be another you,

with identical features in this same zone,

there will only be one of you, not even two.

with plastic surgery,

things would get bloody,

they can alter every part of you,

maybe you'll overdo,

you'll get addicted to change,

and to look so much like plastic in exchange,

to only want to fit in to society,

to remove all your acne,

for a forever clear skin,

to only crave for a body so thin,

diets, pills, surgeries and injections,

to try them all only to not get rejection,

spending massive amounts of money,

you know the burden is impossible to carry,

to be in loads of debts,

and to wish you've never made this bet.

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