House: Get Out!

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Author's Note: I know these chapters can be pretty long, but it's just because there's stuff we have to get through in order for the story to continue, basically. Each chapter is sort of like a short, I guess...Enjoy!

Joon stared longingly at the kitchen, a monster inside of it waiting to consume him as soon as he took a step inside. Joon gulped like a cliché school girl staring at her crush from around the corner, trying to work up the courage to talk to him. The newly installed silver sink and automatic faucet that Jin went about getting was like he wanted it to be hard for Joon to cook. It was quiet this early in the morning, believe it or not. The others slept in usually on Sundays, and he would be sleeping with them—in the room upstairs where him and Jimin shared a room—but there were rules now...rules he made.

He was already starting to regret making them.

"You can do this," the man told himself, taking a hasty step from around the still tackily attached wall that isolated their front door from the living room. From then on, after he tip-toed past the long, light brown wooden table they had also put in, it was a straight shot to the refrigerator. Joon straightened himself out and nodded, trying to believe in himself.

"Wait, how—"

The flour tipped over and Joon caught it, unfortunately, he caught it after it spilled all over his bare foot. "Dammit." He reached down to dust the powder off and in those few moments of inattention, he heard the frypan hiss in a way that sounded more like a poisonous snake than sizzling oil. His head jutted up from below the counter, watching as his bacon drowned in its own fat. This, he found puzzling, as the pan burned and the air filled with smoke...yet the bacon remained pink and uncooked.

He turned off the stove and put the pot on a different burner so it could cool down, hopping over to his other station of pancake-making. "Uh..." The sounds coming out of his mouth had progressed from self-encouragement to strangled confusion. He reached his hand down into the plastic bowl and got the whole wad of dough into his grip, holding it up to the light. The fact that he could even do this with what he thought was just flour and water, was a bad sign. "This looks like a bread loaf," he muttered to himself. Disappointing himself again, Joon turned on his heels to throw it all away, encountering an ominous figure mid-spin. He froze, eyes widening and mouth pouting as he saw this shadow in full.


Jin, Hobi, and Kookie were sharing the room downstairs seeing as it was the biggest one. Luckily, Jin was the only one awoken by his unsuccessful crusade in the kitchen. He was in blue pajamas, black hair sticking up in weird directions and eyes droopy. Joon couldn't tell what parts of it were him being a lawyer and what parts were just simple fatigue.

"Wh—Hey!" Joon yell-whispered, some watery flour running down his arm as he held the blob. Jin's eyebrows curled, a look of disgust on his face. He pointed.

"Tell me that is not supposed to be a pancake." When Joon didn't answer, Jin sighed and went back to his room. Assuming that was it, Joon hustled to the trashcan and plopped the blob inside, sighing in defeat. Jin came back out soon after, a phone pressed to his ear. "Who are you—?"

Jin put his hand up to stop Joon from talking without even looking at him. A moment later, someone picked up. "Hello, is this Frontier Diner?"

"Dude, why didn't you just order-in in the first place?" Yoongi reached his hand out and took another piece of bacon from the plastic white container, looking up at Joon still scrubbing madly at the pan he burned. He turned around to glare at Yoongi from across the island. All seven of them—except Joon who was cleaning dishes—sat at the table in the area more or less blocking at least half of the front door and ate Jin's ordered breakfast: Pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, sausage, and mixed fruit.

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