House: Watch the Neighborhood

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Author's Note: This chapter is important for one of the characters so in case you're reading it in a different order than all the way through, uhm, maybe don't skip? Alright, enjoy.

Yoongi relished in the sound the twenty-dollar bills made as he counted them, slamming them on the table one by one, simultaneously slamming grapes into his mouth.

Jimin simply watched him, intrigued by the forcefulness in it. Once he was done counting the money given to him for the water bills, Jimin jumped in and asked, "What'd you get?"

"Doesn't matter Jiminie," Yoongi responded, turning to him. "Because I know I'm right."

Jimin held his hands up innocently. " long as you got $649." Jimin got up then, leaving Yoongi to recount and then curse out loud once he realized Jimin was right.

The front door tore open in a flash and Tae rushed in out of breath. He leaned on his knees, panting before saying, "Jeongguk's back from getting his teeth pulled and he's still a little loopy on drugs and he's also in some pain and he's also super pissed and weird and everyone needs to be nice to him and not freak out, okay? Everyone got that?"

Jimin looked at Yoongi who looked at Tae, narrowing his eyes. "There are literally only two people in this entire house right now," Yoongi responded, Tae completely ignoring him as he disappeared again to get his friend from the car.

"Agh! Get off of me!" Kookie yelled, bloody saliva oozing from his mouth as his cheeks became puffier with the gauzes shoved inside, his lips and face swollen as the remnants of tears resided there. He pushed Tae away, Tae backing up willingly. "I'm ugly," he mumbled, his speech split up into slurs. "And everyone is ugly, but I'm uglier! Wait, I smell...toast. Agh, Tae I'm so hungry!"

"Why does he sound more like a child than he ever did as a child," Yoongi noted, trying to hide his smile.

Jimin, surprisingly, let out the first snicker, Yoongi just happy it wasn't him this time. Tae looked at them, mouth ajar. "What did I just say!"

"I'm sorry," Jimin said in between giggles. "He just looks so stupid."

"H-Hey!" Kookie cried, stumbling and pointing at him. "That' mean." His face twisted as he began to tear up again.

"Well, you're gonna be looking at that stupid face for awhile since you'll be the one taking care of him," Tae responded, sitting down in a chair.

Jimin's eyebrows scrunched together. "Excuse me?"

Kookie gasped first and asked questions later, rushing into Jimin's unsupportive arms.

Namjoon walked in then, freezing for a brief moment at the door as he took in the scene of Kookie engulfing and crushing Jimin's body with his as Yoongi and Tae just ate the last few grapes in the bowl and watched. "Bad time?"

Kookie groaned as he heard Joon's voice, turning to him as he drooled a little and mumbling, "You're bossy."

"I'll take that as your teeth are gone," Joon answered, pulling Kookie's swollen face towards him so he could get a good look. "Make sure you get him to change his gauzes Jimin."

Jimin held his hands up, 5% of him hoping Joon would step up to the plate. "Yeah Chim Chim! You..." Kookie sighed halfway through his sentence. "I'm hungry."

"You better calm down before tonight," Joon said, putting the house keys on the table.

"What's tonight?" Kookie muttered, collapsing in a seat. Joon turned to him with wide eyes. "The neighbors are having a party. I texted you this."

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