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Zac's POV

I watch the goddess herself swing gracefully through the air, I cannot believe she learned this so fast. She's so talented at everything. She smiles at me as she saunters past, it makes me want to melt into the floor. Today we have to shoot our duet, I mean hopefully we don't crash into each other like last time. Oh shit that hurt, but it was fucking funny.

I march to her dressing room and chap on the door with so much excitement, even just looking at her makes me happy.


"Are you dressed. We've to shoot the duet."

"Yeah, yeah. Gimme a sec, wait there."

I wait patiently and eagerly for her. She exits and her wig is now attached, we head to the room where we are shooting the wonderful song. It takes so much effort. We have to swing in the air while trying to look elegant and lip-sync at the same time. Of course Zendaya is amazing at it like everything else she does, she has so much determination. That's why I want her.

"Thank fuck that's over." I say showing the struggle and stress I went through trying to perfect it. Its the biggest accomplishment I've had. She giggles and it makes me feel ten feet tall. I change my mind that is biggest accomplishment I've ever had.

Its lunch break and we sit together, I question her on how the fuck she learned to trapeze so fast. "I didn't give up. Practice does make perfect." she says smiling. I need this girl, I will not give up trying to get her. I mean I'm Zac Efron why wouldn't she want me. Maybe because she's a goddess Zac? True. Maybe she's out of my league. Of course, the one girl I want is too good for me. Maybe I should give up.

While I'm getting my makeup touched up I drift off into a daydream.

I look down on my lap and I notice she's fallen asleep. She's so cute when she sleeps. I stroke her gorgeous, curly, brown hair and she wriggles into me. She's mine I cannot believe I got her , she's my girl. My Z. Her eyes slowly open .

"Zac" She says in a voice deeper than her usual one.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"That's your makeup done." Is her throat sore or something. Oh my baby.Wait makeup?

"What makeup Babe?"

Shit, I jump as my makeup artist clicks her fingers to wake me up.

"Babe?" she says giggling.

"Sorry I was... um... daydreaming." I say extremely embarrassed.

"Ooooo. Who about?"


"You called me babe, you were obviously day dreaming about someone."

"Can we just drop it."

"Haha, sure. Babe."

For fuck sake, I wont hear the end of this. That dream though. Zac you don't have a chance stop. Forget about her. Urgh but I don't want to. I want to hold her and stroke her hair and hug her and kiss her and well other stuff... I need her but I must keep my feelings to myself. Now where's Hugh it's time for us to practice our duet. I need to block these thoughts and mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. I have to kiss her.

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