Im right here

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Zendays Pov

We bounce up and i want to start crying. It's the guy from the club.

"Don't f***ing move, if you do I will shoot. If you don't everything will be fine, I won't hurt her but your coming with me Zaccy Boy." He says holding a gun to us.

"No you aren't taking Z-" I go to spit at him but Zac interrupts by saying.

"Okay but just don't hurt her." I look at him as if he's went crazy.

I go to say something but I'm lost for words. This can't actually be happening.

He comes over and grabs Zac by the arm and I scream at the top of my lungs and start hitting into the guy.


I jerk up and see Zac holding on to both my shoulders. He pulls me into a hug and starts to stroke my hair, which calms my breathing and rapid heart beat.

"Shh baby. Shh it was just a dream."

"Oh my god. I thou-" tears start to form in my eyes.

"No baby girl don't cry. Shh it's okay I'm here. Shh." I hug into him harder than I ever have before.

I thought I'd lost him.

He lies down, facing me and pulls me into his chest.

"I'm right here." He says kissing my forehead.

Zacs PoV

"AHHHHHHH. NO." I bounce up and notice Zen screaming in her sleep.

I grab her shoulders and slowly shake her to try and wake her up.

"ZEN ZEN ITS OKAY." I say as she jerks up. I pull her into a hug and stroke her hair.

I can feel her rapid heart beat on my chest, she has sweat dripping down her forehead.Her breathing extremely ragged.

"Shh baby. Shh it was just a dream."

I feel overwhelmingly worried for her, she must of had such a bad nightmare.

"Oh my god. I thou-" tears start to form in her perfect eyes and I decide if she explains what happened she'll just get herself all worked up.

"No baby girl don't cry. Shhh I'm here." I say her instantly tightening her grip on me.

Once she's calm again I slowly lay down, making sure we are both facing each other.

"I'm right here." I say kissing her forehead and snuggling into her more.

I will always protect her, I will always be here for her.

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