Happy Ending

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As Zendaya walks up the aisle in her gorgeous white gown feeling and looking prettier than she ever has a tear forms in Zacs eyes. They both cannot believe they are together. The butterflies flutter about in Zens stomach and the large smile grows bigger and bigger the closer she gets to her soon to be husband. The happiness falls down their cheeks as they take hands and stand side to side. They've never been more ready.


"I'm pregnant!" Zen exclaims excitedly as she looks down at her pregnancy test. Zac runs up and picks her up and swings her around kissing her passionately. "I'm going to be a dad! You're going to be a mum! I love you. I love you!"


"I will get her." Zac says as Zen places a kiss on his forehead and thanks him as he gets up to go take care of their crying daughter. He holds her in his hands and rocks her back and forth as he slowly shushes her.

He tucks in her in and looks at her and he realises how great his life is. How grateful he is to have a beautiful wife and daughter.


As Zac and Zen watch their daughter head off to college the happy tears form. They have never been prouder. "That'll soon be you son." Zac says bending down to their son and swinging him onto his shoulders.


"I love you."

"I love you too. You're my Z." Zac says kissing Zens frail, old hand. "My Z." He whispers.



Hey readers thank you so much for reading and this Is the end. I didn't know how to end it but I hope you like this little flash through thing, idk lol. Just thank you so much for reading and liking and commenting I really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoyed guys.

-Superdog148 :)

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